"Zombies are corpses reanimated through dark and sinister magic. These mindless automatons shamble about, doing their creator's bidding without fear or hesitation."
Some zombies keep remnants of combat skills they had in life. In combination with their equipment it makes zombie warriors a serious threat for unprepared adventurers.
- Undead 5
- Usually neutral evil
- Abilities: STR 18, DEX 11, CON 10, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 1
- Hitpoints: 65
- Saves: Fortitude 1, Reflex 1, Will 4
- AC: 20
- AB: +6
- Damage: 1d8+4 slashing, critical 20/x3 (battleaxe)
- Skills: Hide 11, Listen 12, Search 10, Spot 12
- Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (creature), Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Darkvision, Toughness,
- Damage reduction 5/slashing
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, death magic, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attacks
- Slow movement (62,5% of normal)
- Can't run
- CR 5
- Can be summoned with Animate Dead or The Dead Walk.