The Small Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon of deities known collectively as Yondalla's Children. This group includes Yondalla herself, according to the tangled reasoning of halfling theologians, and the term is sometimes used to apply collectively to all halflings. The names by which the gods and goddesses of the halfling pantheon are known vary widely from community to community and have little correlation with subrace distinctions. The myths associated with the various halfling powers are often intermingled with tales of local halfling heroes and heroines of earlier generations who embodied the teachings and approach to life of one or more powers.
The pantheon includes:
- Yondalla - Goddess of creation, tradition, wisdom
- Arvoreen - God of defense
- Brandobaris - God of stealth
- Cyrrollalee - Goddess of trust
- Sheela Peryroyl - Goddess of nature
- Urogalan - God of the earth and the dead