This creature resembles a human corpse. Its wild, frantic eyes burn with malevolence. The leathery, desiccated flesh is drawn tight across its bones, and the teeth have grown into sharp, jagged needles.
A wight is an undead creature given a semblance of life through sheer violence and hatred. They can drain the life energy out of victims by touch, turning them into new wights upon death. Wights appear as a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life.
- Undead 4
- Usually Lawful evil
- Abilities: STR 12, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 15
- Hit Points: 26
- Saves: Fortitide 1, Reflex 2, Will 5
- AC: 15
- AB: +3
- Damage: 1d4+1 bludgeoning, critical 20/x2, on hit: drain 1 level, wight receives 5 temporary HP for 24 hours (slam)
- Skills: Hide 7, Listen 7, Move Silently 15, Spot 7
- Feats: Darkvision, Weapon Proficiency (Creature), Blind Fight, Alertness
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, death magic, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attacks
- Damage reduction 5/Bludgeoning
- CR 3
- Wight's level drain does not allow saving throw. This can make the creature a much more dangerous enemy than one could think after looking at its stats.