Is weird
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 9, Sorcerer/Wizard: 9, Other: Evil domain 9
School : Illusion
Descriptor(s) : Fear, Mind-affecting
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Medium
Target/Area : Colossal
Duration : Instantaneous
Save : Fortitude and Will
Spell resistance : Yes


A horrible phantasm rises to stand before enemy creatures in the area of effect, causing them to make a Will save. If they fail, the phantasm touches them and they must now make a Fortitude saving throw. If this saving throw fails, the creature dies. Those who succeed the Fortitude save still take 3d6 points of damage. Creatures with less than 4 HD automatically die, without any saving throws.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Creatures immune to mind spells, fear, phantasms, and death magic are immune to this spell.
  • Will no longer affect targets protected by Protection from Good/Evil, if it should apply.

Bug Notes[]

  • Creatures immune to Death Magic (Death Ward, Deathless Frenzy) are immune to this spell. Weird shares this bug with Phantasmal Killer, which is also stopped by Death Magic. In NWN1, both spells bypassed death immunity, because the descriptor in both cases is "Fear, Mind-Affecting," and not "Death" (as in Slay Living/Finger of Death). That said, NWN1 had this bug for a long time before it was finally patched.