

  • The enchantments can be performed on either a blank weapon or an already enchanted weapon.
  • A maximum of three enchantments may be placed on a weapon that is being crafted. You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. Once there are three(four in MOTB) you can not change it. This means you can upgrade certain unique weapons. The new ones still retain the old item's description, though you can change the name.
  • In MotB, Epic level casters can add a fourth enchantment to a weapon.
  • Certain item base properties are considered enchantments. For example, Darksteel, Mithral and Adamantine place effects (+1 electrical damage, 40% weight reduction and +2 magical damage respectively), on the base weapon that take up an enchantment "slot". Cold Iron and Alchemical silver, however, do not place any enchantments and do not take up a slot.
  • This page does not note whether any enchantments are exclusive (e.g., holy/unholy).
  • Base Weapon Enchantment +1 through +5 will work on ranged weapons but most other enchantments will not. Note: other than keen, most effects** can be put on ranged weapons - for example, Acid or Holy weapon on bow (make sure it shows the damage and visual effects).

** Vampiric regeneration is an an example of an enchantment that will not work on ranged weapons.


The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. The MotB crafting system adds additional recipes that are not listed here.

Weapon of Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 1[]

Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Weak Power Essence
  • Weak Fire Essence
  • Ruby

Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above

Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3[]

Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above.

Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.

Weapon of Greater Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 5[]

Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Radiant Power Essence
  • Radiant Fire Essence
  • Beljuril

Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above

Can replace the two above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.

Base Weapon Enchantment +1[]

Requires: Caster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

Base Weapon Enchantment +2[]

Requires: Caster level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Faint Air Essence
  • Diamond

Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.

Base Weapon Enchantment +3[]

Requires: Caster level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Faint Power Essence
  • Weak Air Essence
  • Emerald

Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

Can replace the two above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.

Base Weapon Enchantment +4[]

Requires: Caster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

Can replace the 3 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.

Base Weapon Enchantment +5[]

Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Glowing Power Essence
  • Glowing Air Essence
  • Blue diamond

Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

Can replace the 4 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.

Flaming Weapon: +1d6 fire damage[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Weak Fire Essence
  • Ruby

Cast fireball or flame strike on a magic workbench containing the above

Frost Weapon: +1d6 cold damage[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast ice storm on a magic workbench containing the above

Shock Weapon: +1d6 electricity damage[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast call lightning or lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above

Poison Weapon: Poison (DC 14, 1d2 Con damage) on hit[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Weak Earth Essence
  • Emerald

Cast poison on a magic workbench containing the above

Acid Weapon: +1d6 acid damage[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Weak Earth Essence
  • Emerald

Cast Melf's acid arrow on a magic workbench containing the above

Anarchic Weapon: +2d6 damage against lawful creatures[]

Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

Axiomatic Weapon: +2d6 damage against chaotic creatures[]

Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Faint Power Essence
  • Faint Earth Essence
  • Jacinth

Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

Holy Weapon: +2d6 damage against evil creatures[]

Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Faint Power Essence
  • Faint Water Essence
  • Diamond

Cast cure critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

Unholy Weapon: +2d6 damage against good creatures[]

Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above

Hunting Weapon: +2d6 damage against beasts[]

Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above

Weapon of Disruption: Undead must make a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed[]

Requires: Caster level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Glowing Power Essence
  • Glowing Water Essence
  • Jacinth

Cast undeath to death on a magic workbench containing the above

  • Bug notes: is actually a fortitude save and also works on more than just undead.

Massive Criticals: Adds +1d10 fire damage on a critical hit[]

Requires: Caster level 10 (possibly lower), Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Faint Power Essence
  • Glowing Fire Essence
  • Fire Opal

Cast fireball on a magic workbench containing the above

  • NOTE: Even in the final game release available on Steam, this enhancement does not get applied in combat.

Keen: Double critical hit range[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

  • Any weapon
  • Weak Earth Essence
  • Ruby

Cast lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above

