Is vinemine
Vine Mine
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 5, Druid: 3, Other: Cleric with Plant domain 5
School : Conjuration
Descriptor(s) : Nature
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Medium
Target/Area : Huge
Duration : 1 min. * cLevel
10 Rounds(cLevel)
Save : Reflex negates
Spell resistance : Yes


You create one of the following effects in the targeted area:

  • Entangle (as the spell). Actual duration is 1 round per level, as opposed to the 2 other spells below, which indeed last for 1 turn per level. However, duration is still longer than standard Entangle/racial feat Entangle and the DC is better as well. It's also a different school, which may be interesting for players specializing in Conjuration (Entangle belongs to Transmutation).
  • Hamper movement (movement speed is halved), no save
  • Camouflage (add +4 competence bonus on Hide checks), only applies in spell area

Gameplay Notes[]

  • When cast from scroll the spell defaults to Entangle.

Bug Notes[]

  • Incorporeal creatures are supposed to be immune to Entangle and Hamper movement effects of this spell, but the script is bugged; instead, it will make those effects do nothing at all if 'caster' is incorporeal.
  • Area is actually Large, not Huge.
  • Innate level is actually 3, not 5.

External resources[]
