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Ig hu umberlee


Alias(es): The Bitch Queen, Queen of the Depths
Power: Intermediate deity
Pantheon: Faerûnian pantheon
Symbol: Two divergent tidal waves
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Cleric alignment: CN, CE, NE
Portfolio: Currents, Oceans, Sea Winds, Waves
Worshippers: Coastal dwellers, sailors, sentient sea creatures, weresharks
Canon NWN2 domains: Chaos  Destruction  Evil  Water
Other canon domains: Ocean, Storm
Favoured weapon (NWN2): Halberd
Canon favoured weapon: Trident - "Drowning Death" (or jellyfish)


Umberlee (pronounced uhm-ber-LEE), also referred to as The Bitch Queen, is the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. She is most often worshipped by sailors or people traveling by sea, out of fear for her destructive powers. She controls the harshness of the sea and while reveling in her own power, is not hesitant to drown people, if she so pleases.

Temples of Umberlee are few and far between, and the church is not well organized resting on Umberlee's nature of chaos where disputes are ruled in favor of the strongest individual. There are, though, shrines dedicated to her predominantly located at port-cities of the Sea of Fallen Stars and at Nelanther Isles. Here travelers by sea are sure to pay their tribute to her, and the preachings of her clerics are built upon the terrible fate that will fall upon any who do not bring a sacrifice to Umberlee. Clerics are available at these temples who, for a price, will travel with sailors to ensure no harm is inflicted.

There is also a temple to Umberlee on the Sword Coast north of Port Llast called the Priory of the Depths. It plays a role in the main storyline of the Storm of Zehir expansion.
