"This tall being looks much like an animated tree. Its skin is thick and brown, with a barklike texture. Its arms are gnarled like branches, and its legs look like the split trunk of a tree. Above the eyes and along the head are dozens of smaller branches from which hang great leaves."
Treants are large ambulatory trees, complete with anthropomorphic faces. A treant’s leaves are deep green in the spring and summer. In the fall and winter the leaves change to yellow, orange, or red, but they rarely fall out like deciduous trees. A treant’s legs fit together when closed to look like the trunk of a tree, and a motionless treant is nearly indistinguishable from a tree
- Plant 7
- Neutral good
- Abilities: STR 29, DEX 8, CON 21, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 12
- Hitpoints: 66
- Saves: Fortitude 10, Reflex 1, Will 7
- AC: 22
- AB: +14
- Damage:
- 2d6+9 bludgeoning, critical 20/x2 (slam)
- 2d6+9 bludgeoning, critical 20/x2 (slam)
- Skills: Listen 8, Diplomacy 3, Spot 8, Intimidate 6, Survival 8
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Low-Light Vision, Iron Will, Power Attack
- Damage reduction 10/slashing
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, fear
- Damage vulnerability: Fire (50% damage weakness)
- CR 8