
A trap is a hazard placed on the ground that will trigger an effect, harming whoever set it off. Traps, if detected with search mode, appear as an ominous red overlay in the area. A character can use set trap to place their own trap kits, or use disable device to disable or to recover one set by opponents. The craft trap skill allows one to assemble trap kits.

Traps come in a number of varieties such as generic trap kits, projectile traps, alarms and magical spell traps. Traps also have varying power levels, in ascending order: Minor, Average, Strong, and Deadly.

The effects of trap kits that can be used by the PC are as follows:

Type Strength Target Damage Special Save DC
Acid Blob Minor single creature 3d6 acid paralysis, 2 rounds reflex 15
Average single creature 5d6 acid paralysis, 3 rounds reflex 20
Strong single creature 12d6 acid paralysis, 4 rounds reflex 25
Deadly single creature 18d6 acid paralysis, 5 rounds reflex 25
Acid Splash Minor single creature 2d8 acid   reflex 12
Average single creature 3d8 acid   reflex 14
Strong single creature 5d8 acid   reflex 17
Deadly single creature 8d8 acid   reflex 20
Electrical Minor 4 creatures, 15 ft radius 8d6 electrical   reflex 19
Average 5 creatures, 15 ft radius 15d6 electrical   reflex 22
Strong 6 creatures, 15 ft radius 20d6 electrical   reflex 26
Deadly 7 creatures, 15 ft radius 30d6 electrical   reflex 28
Fire Minor 5 ft radius 5d6 fire   reflex 18
Average 5 ft radius 8d6 fire   reflex 20
Strong 10 ft radius 15d6 fire   reflex 23
Deadly 10 ft radius 25d6 fire   reflex 26
Frost Minor single creature 2d4 cold paralysis, 1 round fortitude 12
Average single creature 3d4 cold paralysis, 2 rounds fortitude 13
Strong single creature 5d4 cold paralysis, 3 rounds fortitude 14
Deadly single creature 8d4 cold paralysis, 4 rounds fortitude 15
Holy Minor single creature 2d4 (4d10 if undead) divine none  
Average single creature 3d4 (5d10 if undead) divine none  
Strong single creature 6d4 (8d10 if undead) divine none  
Deadly single creature 8d4 (12d10 if undead) divine none  
Negative Minor single creature 2d6 negative -1 strength fortitude 12
Average single creature 3d6 negative -1 strength fortitude 15
Strong single creature 5d6 negative -2 strength fortitude 18
Deadly single creature 8d6 negative -1 level fortitude 21
Sonic Minor 10 ft radius 2d4 sonic stun, 2 rounds will 12
Average 10 ft radius 3d4 sonic stun, 2 rounds will 14
Strong 10 ft radius 5d4 sonic stun, 3 rounds will 17
Deadly 10 ft radius 8d4 sonic stun, 4 rounds will 20
Spike Minor single creature 2d6 piercing   reflex 15
Average single creature 3d6 piercing   reflex 15
Strong single creature 5d6 piercing   reflex 15
Deadly single creature 25d6 piercing   reflex 15
Tangle Minor 5 ft radius   slow, 3 rounds reflex 20
Average 5 ft radius   slow, 4 rounds reflex 25
Strong 10 ft radius   slow, 4 rounds reflex 30
Deadly 10 ft radius   slow, 5 rounds reflex 35
Gas Minor 15 ft radius 1d6 dexterity Poison fortitude 18
Average 15 ft radius 1d6 constitution Poison fortitude 20
Strong 15 ft radius 2d6 constitution Poison fortitude 18
Deadly 15 ft radius 3d6 constitution Poison fortitude 20