The tower shield is a veritable wall of protection, though it can be quite cumbersome to carry on an adventure.
- AC Bonus: 4
- -2 Attack bonus
- Maximum dexterity bonus: N/A
- Arcane spell failure: 50%
- Armor check penalty: -10
- As of v1.23, the attack penalty applies to all weapons, except unarmed attacks. In prior versions it applied to no weapon, though it was displayed on the character sheet.
- Small stature prevents a character from equipping a tower shield. This is true even when the small character has Monkey Grip, or is under the effect of Enlarge Person.
- As NWN2 was built from pre-1.69 NWN1, the tower shield weight bug is present. It remains unfixed as of version 1.20. (v1.23?)
Crafting mold[]
The crafting mold for a tower shield requires 3 metal ingots or 3 wooden planks. Other than normal iron ingots and wooden planks, one can alternatively use:
- Duskwood: DC 9, weight reduced by 60%
- Zalantar: DC 14, +2 Armor Modifier, arcane spell failure reduced to 40%
- Mithral: DC 14, arcane spell failure reduced to 30%, weight reduced by 40%
- Darksteel: DC 14, 5/- acid damage resistance
- Adamantine: DC 19, 3/- damage resistance (bugged)
- Umber Hulk Hide: DC 21, +2 to armor modifier and has immunity: mind affecting spells.