
Melee Touch Attack[]

0 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Cureminor Cure Minor Wounds 0 0 0
Inflictminor Inflict Minor Wounds 0
Touchfatigue Touch of Fatigue 0

1 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Curelight Cure Light Wounds 1 1 1 1 1
Inflictlight Inflict Light Wounds 1
Shockinggrasp Shocking Grasp 1

2 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Combust Combust 2
Curemoderate Cure Moderate Wounds 2 2 3 3 3
Deathknell Death Knell 2
Ghoultouch Ghoul Touch 2
Healingsting Healing Sting 2
Inflictmoderate Inflict Moderate Wounds 2
Touchidiocy Touch of Idiocy


3 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Bestowcurse Bestow Curse 3 4
Contagion Contagion 3 3 4
Infestmaggots Infestation of Maggots 3
Inflictserious Inflict Serious Wounds 3
Poison Poison 4 3
Vampirictouch Vampiric Touch 3

4 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Curecritical Cure Critical Wounds 4 4 5
Cureserious Cure Serious Wounds 3 3 4 4 4
Inflictcrit Inflict Critical Wounds 4

5 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Glassdoppelganger Glass Doppelganger 5
Slayliving Slay Living 5 5

6 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Harm Harm 6 7
Heal Heal 6 7

9 - Innate Level

Name Brd Clr Dru Pal Rng Src\Wiz
Healmass Mass Heal 9
Shadowsimulacrum Shadow Simulacrum 9


Epicspelldamnation 1 Damnation
Epicspellentropichusk Entropic Husk

