
It's already implied in the article, but Cleave et al. attacks also are not executed when running Whirlwind Attack. Kaballah 07:30, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Sneak attack does not work with whirlwind attack[]

In my game no sneak attacks happen while performing a whirlwind attack (neither message of sneak attack being executed nor damage of a sneak attack appears on the screen)

Could someone please confirm this and update the description?

I just confirmed that sneak attack does not work with whirlwind attack. I paralyzed my target and got off no less than 3 whirlwind attacks with absolutely no sneak attack damage. I then did a normal attack and instantly sneak attacked twice. If this is supposed to work, it doesn't. Abfinz 01:40, July 28, 2010 (UTC)
I've updated the description to reflect this. Abfinz 01:42, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Hideous Blow[]

As you might expect, Hideous Blow discharges on the first hit of a Whirlwind Attack. I don't think it fires more than once, though. Widow maker 16:58, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

Is the 5' range a hardcoded AoE, or is the 5' writeup indicating that it's all targets currently within range? Makes some difference insofar as there are haks out there which somewhat modify melee weapon range. 15:48, January 9, 2011 (UTC)Happycrow

5ft is near adjacent; Whirlwind can hit targets much further out, even with a dagger (although that has its own issues with triggering the event) more likely 8 to 10ft area of effect. AoE as weapon reach only effects triggering the event and not how far the additional attacks are. So an odd effect, don't need a Greatsword for the Whirlwind threatened area but it helps to start. Ragimund (talk) 09:15, October 3, 2018 (UTC)

WM class[]

Page states you have to be a fighter to be able to take WM prestige class at level 6. This is impossible as Sping Attack requires BAB +4 or higher. There are no feats at level 5 so you can take WM prestige class at level 7 as the earliest.

AeonsLegend (contact me) 15:22, June 22, 2019 (UTC)

Correct.  Adjusted gameplay notes per your observations. Raelind (talk) 02:16, June 23, 2019 (UTC) Its incorrectly possible on the NWN2db (may explain it) but you don't need all 6 levels to be Fighter either, maybe delete the whole line. Prereq is already listed Ragimund (talk)