
There is no radial menu in Neverwinter Nights 2.

Stealth Mode proposed changes

Stealth Mode is the combined modal action of your Hide and Move Silently skills to cautiously and quietly go unnoticed. Which may also be used offensively to catch a target off guard for a few seconds, thus making them susceptible to sneak attack.

Modifying ability: Dexterity

Classes: Bard, Monk, Ranger, Rogue; Arcane archer, Arcane trickster, Assassin, Harper agent, Invisible blade, Pale master, Shadow Thief of Amn, Shadowdancer

Requires training: No

Check: Your Stealth check is opposed by the Listen or Spot check of anyone who might be in detection range. You move at one-half your normal speed while in stealth mode.

Special: Move Silently and Hide both suffer from the armor check penalty; the master of a cat familiar gains a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks; a halfling has a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently checks; a Gray Dwarf gets a +4 racial bonus and small characters receive an additional size bonus to their Hide skill.

Use: Selected (stealth mode)


Hostile actions take the user out of stealth mode immediately. There are rare instances where one would reasonably construe an action as hostile but due to game mechanics, it is not treated as such (e.g. damage from a Hellfire Warlock's Hellfire shield).

Entering stealth mode will not be successful whilst being observed (line of sight or up to 28m of hostile perception), unless the character has the ability to Hide in Plain Sight. However once stealth mode is ended for any reason, there is a cool down of 6 seconds before the mode can be attempted again.

Successful attacks from stealth, Invisibility or Ethereal allow the target to be caught flat footed and susceptible to sneak attack for a few seconds, generally the first flurry of attacks. (Note however, Ethereal attacks are less responsive and may miss the opportunity).

Note: Line of sight, is difficult to avoid. A large boulder may not suffice but walls and doors can. Ol' skool stealth also isn't worthless without Hide in Plain Sight but then Ol' skool stealth like Invisibility is generally only used once per encounter. ie, for first strike.

True seeing and similar spells will not detect a player in stealth mode, only spot and listen may do so.

Revised recommended minimum skill level for Hide and Move Silently skill is character level x 1.2 + 2, ie 38 at 30th level or idealy equal to or greater than character level x 1.3 + 4, ie 43 at 30th level (excluding short term buffs).

Ragimund (talk) 10:26, March 1, 2019 (UTC) Par skill at 30th now increased to 43 (including 10min+ spells) although I haven't yet averaged out spell bonuses, the old Par was 40 plus an unknown spell bonus. However it should not be detrimental for a Stealth build to reach a minimum of 38, if its serious about getting sneak attacks.