
I came here looking for how many ranks in set traps I needed for each type of trap, please add this if anyone knows - google is failing me.

Set Trap requires training, so at least 1 rank is required to set any trap. From there, as long as your modified skill level is at most 1 below the Set Trap DC you will always succeed in Set Trap, since rolling 1 is not an automatic failure and thus raises your modified skill level by +1. -- 07:02, October 16, 2014 (UTC)

Taking 20[]

does anyone know whether or not a character w/this skill can take 20 in order to set a trap? if so, under what circumstances? (e.g., not in combat?) -- 04:12, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

A skill roll is needed for Set Trap, even when you are out of combat. However, rolling 1 is not an automatic failure. Therefore you should strive to be at most 9 skill levels below the trap you are attempting to set to avoid critical failure (see the section below). -- 06:56, October 16, 2014 (UTC)

Critical Failure[]

The skill check description states: "When you use this skill and the skill check fails by 10 or higher, you trigger your own trap." but this appears to be incorrect. I attempted Set Trap with a Minor Sonic Trap (DC 15) while having a modified skill level of 5. Rolling 1 with the die I failed the skill check by 15 -5 -1 = 9 and still set off my own trap. So I suggest the correct description is "When you use this skill and the skill check fails by 9 or higher, you trigger your own trap." -- 07:09, October 16, 2014 (UTC)\

Outside of combat can Disable and Recover own traps with auto success 0DC; suggest recover and not disabling your own expensive traps.

Some good tips for Trap setting https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nwnecbguild/unravelling-the-world-of-nwn-traps-a-primer-t2176824.html

You can no longer recover traps with DC 20 or higher if you do not have the Trapfinding feat. If you try to disarm or recover a DC 20+ trap without Trapfinding, you will receive feedback that success is never possible; it is still possible to suffer a critical failure and have the trap go off on you. You can still flag, examine, and set a trap of any DC without Trapfinding; you can also always disarm or recover a trap you set yourself. Patch v1.03