
Power Attack[]

Worth noting that this is the only weapon that can benefit from both Power Attack (since it's Medium) AND Weapon Finesse. Kaballah 22:04, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

IIRC, you can't use power attack with a Rapier. Small creatures can use power attack and weapon finesse with a short sword, but not a Rapier. Small creatures can get a two-handed weapon damage bonus with a rapier though. I know precise strike works with spears (I've made a couple of spear duelists), I think it works with all piercing melee weapons, but I can't recall if it works with the slashing/piercing weapons.Mithdradates 22:43, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
I'm gonna double check this with a "power fencer" build and see if it works the way I think it does. Do you remember if Duelist's AC bonus works with a two-handed weapon (spear) equipped? Guess I'll test that too while I'm poking around. Kaballah 02:34, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
Nope, you're correct, Power Attack does not appear to work with the rapier - at least on the character sheet, and it probably isn't intended to anyway so I won't bother to test if it's bugged. Kaballah 03:19, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
And yes the duelist AC bonus works correctly with a spear (surprising since I am pretty sure it doesn't with Dual Wield but okay) Kaballah 03:21, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
Err ... the AC bonus works with a spear, but the DAMAGE BONUS from either Duelist or Swashbuckler does not (at least not on the character sheet).
Yeah it's the swashbuckler damage - like the description says, oops. However, quite oddly, swashbuckler damage does apply to unarmed at the same time as power attack does (I will shut up now).

Kaballah 03:31, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

Has anaybody ever successfully tried the to use Power Attack with a Rapier with the Duellist Garb (the cloth?) in the Steam Version of the game? I tried it with a Drow with Presitge Class Duellist and the Duellist Garb, but could not see a change in the charakter sheet. Vollkorni 14:03, 01 March 2012 (UTC)

Steam version is just v1.23.1765. I'd be surprised if it does. Anyway, you CAN power attack with a rapier IF you are a small race. Monkey Grip on those same races allows the use of Weapon Finesse and Insightful Strike, but loses Power Attack. In both cases 2H bonuses are kept GFallen (talk) 19:44, November 26, 2012 (UTC)
Proof. GFallen (talk) 00:34, February 22, 2013 (UTC)