P22 20:13, 18 June 2009 (UTC) Are you sure it can't be stilled? All spells.2da entries mark it correctly as having both verbal and somatic component.
P22 20:27, 18 June 2009 (UTC) And as having proper metamagic flags.
I mentioned a bug on the main page where the circle AoE gets detached from the PC it is cast on and remains as a persistent independent object in the area if you save the game without dispelling the spell first. Created a fix, anyone interested, here's the code:
nw_s0_circevil.nss (vs. Evil Circle):
effect eAOE = EffectAreaOfEffect(AOE_MOB_CIRCGOOD,"","","","eAOEObject");
nw_s0_circevilb.nss (vs. Evil Circle Exit event):
object BrokenAOE;
int i;
if (GetTag(BrokenAOE)=="VFX_MOB_CIRCGOOD" && GetTag(BrokenAOE)!="eAOEObject")
For nw_s0_circgood.nss & nw_s0_circgoodb.nss use the same, but use "VFX_MOB_CIRCEVIL" instead of "VFX_MOB_CIRCGOOD" and use a different tag when creating the AoE (for example "eAOEObjectEVIL" instead of "eAOEObject," whatever).
You can check for any broken AoEs in an area by running the following script through the console:
oTarget = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(GetFirstPC()));
while (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
if (GetObjectType(oTarget)==16)
SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(FALSE),"AOE Tag: " + GetTag(oTarget));
oTarget = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(GetFirstPC()));
The script will return all AoEs in the area. If the Magic circle spell has been dispelled/worn off, but the AoEs "VFX_MOB_CIRCEVIL" or "VFX_MOB_CIRCGOOD" are still present, then it's the bug I'm talking about. WRFan 02:59, August 11, 2010 (UTC)