
I tested weapon +1 vs Ghostly Visage and damage is still reduced.

Bug? Its 5/adamantite probably?

The above comment was unsigned. I'm seeing a 5 damage reduction vs. a +2 weapon. So this spell is definitely stronger than advertised! HolyGuardian80 (talk) 07:32, December 26, 2019 (UTC)

Do you have screenshot? I'm not seeing a bug or anything wrong with original description. Adamantine weapon didn't bypass of Ghostly Visage https://imgur.com/dg5Pq5x but a +1 weapon did https://imgur.com/l3pwkh1 Ragimund (talk) 13:03, February 2, 2020 (UTC) 

It's possible that it's because I have Kaedrin's or some other mod installed. Please feel free to remove my edits. Thanks :) HolyGuardian80 (talk) 16:20, February 2, 2020 (UTC) Wouldn't expect K to mod that spell, I think haks are more problematic than mods but then I've also had test runs give different results on different days, like with Rage. A screenshot might help. Ragimund (talk)

Rolled back to previous revision per Ragimund's observations until this can be sorted out furtherRaelind (talk) 18:18, February 2, 2020 (UTC)

I don't have screenshots but I promise that in my game Ghostly Visage gives 5 damage reduction unless an adamantine weapon is used. The best place you can test this is vs. the two witches who fight Qara when you first meet her. You have to pick the dialogue options that make the fight start. They always cast Ghostly Visage as their first spell. HolyGuardian80 (talk) 23:49, February 3, 2020 (UTC) That's not easy to load and test and potentially unknown variables, try testing against a clone in VHC. Ragimund (talk)

Are you playing using the vanilla version of the game (v1.23) without any mods/haks?  If so, go ahead and restore your latest editRaelind (talk) 02:22, February 4, 2020 (UTC)

No, I have random mods that I installed. So it's possible that some mod brought this result. HolyGuardian80 (talk) 00:21, February 25, 2020 (UTC)