
I question the legitimacy of the existence of this feat. I leveled my Hellfire Warlock all the way to 30 and never had the option of selecting this feat. Does this exist? Is it only for straight, standard Warlocks?

The only reason you wouldn't have been able to take this feat is if your build didn't have 16 standard Warlock levels or you didn't invest the 24 ranks in Spellcraft; rebuild your HW so that it meets those prerequisites. 18:41, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Gameplay notes are incorrect

The warlock's eldritch blasts deal +50% damage and have a +2 bonus to attack rolls. This does includes hellfire and chain blasts but not the residual essence damage, eg; vitrolic damage the following round. Ragimund (talk) 08:49, July 19, 2019 (UTC)