according to the NWN2 manual eldritch knights must be "non-evil", can anyone verify this?
- The manual had mixed it up with Harper agents. - Melios 17:06, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
If I have, say a sun elf level 10 wizard/level 10 eldritch knight, could I take levels of Fighter without suffering an XP penalty?
- Yes. Wizard is a favored class of Sun Elf so that won't count towards an xp penalty and prestige classes never count towards xp penalties. I might add that, ideally, you'd take the fighter level before your EK levels because then you won't have to waste a feat on Martial Weapon proficiency. Stuflames 04:08, 24 June 2009 (UTC)
The requirements for EK are 3rd level arcane spellcaster. does Warlock count towards that?
No because invocations are not arcane, they are thier own magic type.