
I don't see any evidence that they implemented this limited domain spell feature. I played a cleric and picked up a domain with spells. I think it was Magic. One of the obvious ones that is Wiz/Sorc only is Mage Armor. I was able to memorize 4 copies of Mage Armor as well as memorize 0 copies of it, all with the same number of total castable spells. I think it works just like NWN1, where it's an extra spell that you're allowed to pick from. --A123456 07:35, 7 November 2006 (PST)

  • yes, unfortunately the dedicated spell slot to a domain spell has never been implemented. Bascially its up to the player to decide whether they will dedicate at least one spell slot at the levels at which they receive domain spells solely for memorising one of those domain spells. A slot with a memorised domain spell however -cannot- be spontaneously cast (this was also in NWN) which is at least a partial implementation of the rules --Chezcaliente 08:03, 7 November 2006 (PST)