Type of feat: Class
Prerequisite: Hellfire Warlock 2
Once per day, the Hellfire Warlock can randomly summon a Baatezu from the Nine Hells to fight for the party. Control of the Baatezu lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 round per hellfire warlock level + 1d8 + their Charisma bonus. When the ability expires, the caster loses dominance over the Baatezu - which can have disastrous consequences, as devils typically despise being bothered by lesser beings. The caster is advised not to leave this up to chance, and dispel this summons before this time is up, sending the Baatezu back to the Nine Hells - though the devil might not attack, this method is the only certain way of avoiding a violent confrontation with the angry creature.
- Generally, only certain Baatezu summoned in this way will turn on the party, and only then in specific settings. Mephasm and Neeshka are sympathetic devils who never turn, while Hezebel, Nrungnorog, Korarobos and Avernus Fried Chicken will always do so if they are in certain areas. The PC controlled path to Crossroad Keep and Port Llast are consistent defection zones, while the Ruins of Arvahn and the Sunken Flagon never result in apostate summons.
summons in process
- Among the Baatezu that can be summoned are Neeshka, Mephasm, Nrungnorog, Koraboros, Hezebel and Avernus Fried Chicken. Koraboros has a roughly 1 in 10 chance of appearing - Avernus Fried Chicken, 1 in 100.
- BUG! None of the summoned Baatezu have Weapon Proficiency (creature) and thus can use their claws. As result, they will fight using ordinary unarmed strikes (damage 1-3 + STR mod) without even having Improved Unarmed Strike. This makes them quite less impressive than they should be and cause them to constantly provoke attacks of opportunity. They also lack expected Darkvision. Finally, specific devils have some individual oddities. Below you can find more detailed information about devils and their summon chances:
- 30% for Nrungnorog the Cornugon - level 14 Outsider. Despite being one level lower, he is (well, would be) about as strong as any of his brethren summoned by Gate. If not for the proficiency bug, he would've been an amazing ally for any Hellfire Warlock - other casters need level 17-18 to summon Horned Devils while Nrungnorog can be available as early as at level 11.
- 29% - Hezebel the Erinyes - Outsider 6/Sorceress 8. By far the weakest physically, she also spawns wounded. Usually reserves spells for stronger enemies and just uses base attacks against weaklings, but with her low stats, damaged HP and lack of IUS this may end badly. Hezebel also has fire arrows equipped but no bow - and no Weapon Proficiency to use one.
- 25% - good old Mephasm the ominous not-Elf - Outsider 6/Cleric 8, excellent stats (based on Pit Fiend - he is one) but very weak defensive passives (damage reduction of 10/+1 and nothing else). Has strange domains of Healing and Sun and no deity (in-universe his patron deity is propably one of the Archdevils, like Asmodeus). His prepared spells are mostly heals of various levels. Even without IUS Mephasm can be surprisingly good in melee, especially after buffing himself with Divine Power. Never turns against the summoner. Probably the best of the summoned devils overall.
- 10% - Koraboros the Pit Fiend - Outsider 18, pretty much a generic Pit Fiend with higher HP and different feats/skills. Would be amazing if not for missing Weapon Proficiency.
- 5% - post OC(?) Neeshka - Rogue 12/Outsider 8. Despite highest HD, she is about as weak as Hezebel but with quite high rogue skills and sneak attack instead of arcane magic. Very low defense through and no damage reduction of any kind. Unlike others, she actually has Darkvision due to her racial feat. Never turns against the summoner. Has interesting description about her moving as if she drags something invisible and looking vaguely familiar to the summoner.
- 1% - Avernus Fried Chicken - Outsider 18, exact copy of Koraboros but with size stat bonuses.