- This article is about the ability. For the cleric domain, see strength (domain).
Strength measures a character's muscle and physical power. This ability is especially important for fighters, barbarians, paladins, rangers, and monks because it helps them prevail in combat. Strength also limits the amount of equipment a character can carry (see encumbrance).
Strength modifiers are applied to:
- Melee attack rolls (unless the character has Weapon Finesse and higher Dexterity)
- Damage rolls when using a melee weapon or a thrown weapon (including a sling). Exceptions:
- Off-hand attacks receive only one-half the character's Strength bonus, rounded down.
- Two-handed attacks receive one and a half times the Strength bonus, rounded down.
- A Strength bonus is only applied to ranged weapons that are not thrown when they have the Mighty item property.
- An exception is when a character has a negative Strength modifier, in which case even non-thrown ranged weapons receive a damage penalty. (Including even Crossbows.)
- A character with the Combat Insight epic feat uses Intelligence for damage rolls.
- Strength checks
- Total encumbrance