Is stoneskin
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 4, Druid: 4, Sorcerer/Wizard: 4, Other: Earth domain 4
School : Abjuration
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Touch
Target/Area : Single
Duration : 1 Hour * cLevel
20 Rounds (cLevel)
Save : Harmless
Spell resistance : No


This spell grants the target creature damage reduction 10/adamantine. The spell absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, to a maximum of 100, before collapsing.


This spell also protects against projectile weapon damage (i.e. arrows and crossbow bolts). Also, adamantine weapons get past almost all forms of magical damage resistance (except Dark Foresight).

This is a bread and butter spell of the sorcerer and wizard classes, for the main reason it can be cast on anyone; Greater Stoneskin and Premonition do not have this advantage. Because of this quality, one caster can often provide protection for the entire party against most physical weapon damage; it also makes this spell a staple for combat.

Be aware that adamantine weapons also provide extra magical damage, in addition to their ability to bypass this damage reduction spell (along with most others). Therefore, wizards are usually advised to avoid melee combat entirely, or use other personal spells such Mirror Image, Displacement and Invisibility, Greater to conceal themselves against attacks if they do get into melee - although this spell does afford them some help against most enemies.

Its long duration means that most mages will cast this, if adventuring, during the start of the day when they are a high enough level. It is usually useful to have it for the entire party too.

This is a useful spell to cast from a Wand, Scroll or Rod since it only uses caster level to determine its effects (and only up to level 10), and potentially frees a lot of spell slots.

Clerical note: The Earth domain is powerful for the use of this spell, allowing Clerics to become even more powerful protective/defensive spellcasters.
