Column Example Explanation Note
*void* 0 Row's ID (unique) -
Label Acid_Fog Name of the spell -
Name 750 Where to pull the name's string from strref.
IconResRef is_acidfog Where to pull the spell's icon out of -
School C What school of magic the spell is classified as Usually the first letter of the school, except for Evocation, which is V
Range L Range of the spell T=Touch : S=Short ; M=Medium ; L=Long ; P=Personal
VS vs Verbal and/or Somatic v=verbal ; s=somatic ; absence of either denotes the spell doesn't use that component.
MetaMagic 0x3f What metamagics the spell is compatible with Uses bitwise flags: 0x00=None (0) ; 0x01=Empower (1) ; 0x02=Extend (2) ; 0x04=Maximize (4) ; 0x08=Quicken (8) ; 0x10=Silent (16) ; 0x20=Still (32) ; 0x40=Persistent (64) ; 0x80=Unknown (128) (Permanent or Chain? nwscript.nss conflicts w/ metamagic.2da). For warlock invocations see [metamagic.2da]
TargetType 0x3E What the spell can target Uses bitwise flags: 0x01=Self ; 0x02=Creature ; 0x04=Area/Ground ; 0x08=Items ; 0x10=Doors ; 0x20=Placeables ; 0x40=Traps; using 0x02 targets hostile or friendly, one or the other based on setting in hostile column - certain rows are hard coded to ignore this and do both at once; To target a spell to just the caster which immediately fires set TargetType to just 0x01 and set hostile column to ****;

WARNING: for master radial spells, specify 0x3E a a target or some subradial spells won't work if anything else, or nothing is specified.

ImpactScript NW_SO_AcidFog Script of what happens upon impact -
Bard **** What level bards get this spell -
Cleric **** What level clerics get this spell -
Druid **** What level druids get this spell -
Paladin **** What level paladins get this spell -
Ranger **** What level rangers get this spell -
Wiz_Sorc 6 What level wizards and sorcerers get this spell -
Warlock **** What level warlocks get this spell -
Innate **** The innate spell level of the spell -
ConjTime 1500 Time taken to channel the spell 1000=1 second real time
ConjAnim attack What type of animation the spell uses during casting -
ConjVisual0 sp_acid_conjure.sef The animation used during casting -
LowConjVisual0 sp_magic_conjure.sef - -
ConjVisual1 **** - Seemingly unused
ConjVisual2 **** - Seemingly unused
ConjSoundVFX **** - Only used for the True Name scroll
ConjSoundMale vs_chant_conj_hm Incantation's sound file, for Males -
ConjSoundFemale vs_chant_conj_hf As above, but for females -
ConjSoundOverride **** - -
CastAnim area What type of animation the spell uses when the spell is cast -
CastTime 1000 Time between the casting of the spell and when you can move the caster 1000=1 second real time
CastVisual0 sp_acid_cast.sef Animation used when cast -
LowCastVisual0 sp_acid_cast.sef - -
CastVisual1 **** - Seemingly Unused
CastVisual2 **** - Seemingly Unused
CastSound **** - Seemingly Unused
Proj 1 Is it a projectile? 1=yes ; 0=no
ProjModel **** Model used for the projectile -
ProjSEF sp_acid_travel.sef .sef file used for the projectile -
LowProjSEF sp_acid_travel.sef - -
ProjType accelerating Physics of the projectile -
ProjSpwnPoint rhand Where the projectile comes from -
ProjSound **** Sound played during projectile's flight -
ProjOrientation path - Seemingly always either "path" or "****"
ImpactSEF sp_acid_aoe.sef .sef file played on impact -
LowImpactSEF sp_acid_aoe.sef - -
ImmunityType Acid What type of immunity renders the spell ineffective Per Skywing is not used in any way by the engine, only used for script which refer to it.
ItemImmunity 1 Can an item give immunity to this spell 0=no ; 1=yes, should also be present in [iprp_spellcost.2da]
SubRadSpell1 **** What spells can be selected to be cast from this one Used when the spell needs you to select how to behave (eg. Shadow Conjuration)
SubRadSpell2 **** As Above As Above
SubRadSpell3 **** As Above As Above
SubRadSpell4 **** As Above As Above
SubRadSpell5 **** As Above As Above
Category 11 Used for AI Refers to [categories.2da]
Master **** What spell is needed to cast this spell Used when the spell offers a variety of modes (eg, Shadow Conjuration, Meteor Swarm, etc)
UserType 1 What type of Spell it is 1=Spell ; 2=Spell-like ability ; 3=feat ; 4=special
SpellDesc 6096 Where in the .tlk the game pulls the description from -
UseConcentration 1 Can the spell be interrupted 1=yes ; 0=no
SpontaneouslyCast 0 Can the spell be cast without preparation 1=yes ; 0=no
SpontCastClassReq 0 What class can cast this spontaneously Refers to classes.2da
AltMessage **** Message displayed when cast Refers to the .tlk file
HostileSetting 1 This setting defines who or what can be targeted with this spell. If set to non-hostile, hostile creatures cannot be targeted and vice versa 1=yes ; 0=no
FeatID **** Which feat casts this spell Refers to the feat.2da line number. For radial spells, each subspells FeatID must relate to a unique index calculated this way: (65536 * subspell2daID) + feat.2da line. The top 16 bits are used for the subspell, the bottom for the feat line. (See NOTE 1 below)
Counter1 **** What spell can counter this one Removed from NWN2
Counter2 **** What other spell can counter this one Removed from NWN2
HasProjectile 1 Does the spell use a projectile? 1=yes ; 0=no
AsMetaMagic **** Used for Warlock Incantations Likely to be in binary
TargetingUI 8 Different types of targetting visual effects (cursors drawn on the ground) that come up when player targets before casting the spell Refers to [spelltarget.2da]
CastableOnDead 1 - -
REMOVED 0 Has this spell been removed from the game? 1=yes ; 0=no

NOTE1: Implementation is more fully described at NeverwinterVault.org, Custom Radial Spell[1]
