Is slow
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 3, Bard: 3, Sorcerer/Wizard: 3
School : Transmutation
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Short
Target/Area : Colossal; 1 creature per caster level.
Duration : 6 sec. * cLevel
1 Round (cLevel)
Save : Will negates
Spell resistance : Yes


All enemy creatures within the area of effect have their speed lowered by 50% and lose a single attack per round. Affected creatures also suffer a -1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and Reflex saves.

Bug Notes[]

  • Instead of losing just one attack per round, affected creatures lose all it's base attacks but one. This, in combination with will save to resist, makes Slow exceptionally good against high level warrior-type opponents.
  • Targeting UI covers Large area instead of Colossal. This is a purely visual bug.