// Sets the current AI Level of the creature to the value specified. Does not work on Players.
// The game by default will choose an appropriate AI level for 
// creatures based on the circumstances that the creature is in.
// Explicitly setting an AI level will over ride the game AI settings.
// The new setting will last until SetAILevel is called again with the argument AI_LEVEL_DEFAULT.
// AI_LEVEL_DEFAULT  - Default setting. The game will take over seting the appropriate AI level when required.
// AI_LEVEL_VERY_LOW - Very Low priority, very stupid, but low CPU usage for AI. Typically used when no players are in the area.
// AI_LEVEL_LOW      - Low priority, mildly stupid, but slightly more CPU usage for AI. Typically used when not in combat, but a player is in the area.
// AI_LEVEL_NORMAL   - Normal priority, average AI, but more CPU usage required for AI. Typically used when creature is in combat.
// AI_LEVEL_HIGH     - High priority, smartest AI, but extremely high CPU usage required for AI. Avoid using this. It is most likely only ever needed for cutscenes.
void SetAILevel(object oTarget, int nAILevel);