// MAP 3/15/2009
// This function is used to send a chat message, as if spoken by a PC or by the server.
// Except for 'CHAT_MODE_SERVER', oSender must be a PC or nothing will occur.
// oSpeaker - the PC who will speak, OBJECT_INVALID if channel is CHAT_MODE_SERVER. This must be a valid PC object for CHAT_MODE_PARTY to work.
// oReceiver - if nChannel is CHAT_MODE_TELL or CHAT_MODE_SERVER, then this must be the PC who will be receiving the message.
// nMode - CHAT_MODE const indicating the type of message to be sent. Only the CHAT_MODE_* values provided are accepted.
// sMessage - actual message text
// bInvokeCallback = the module's OnChat script will be invoked to filter this message, if this is TRUE.
//   WARNING: use extreme caution if setting bInvokeCallback to TRUE  from within the OnChat handler itself --
//            this could lead to an infinite loop and hang your module!
void SendChatMessage(object oSender, object oReceiver, int nChannel, string sMessage, int bInvokeCallback = FALSE);
  • Added in Patch 1.23