
The search skill lets a character discern some small detail or irregularity through active effort, such as secret doors, traps, hidden compartments, and other details not readily apparent.

Modifying ability: Intelligence

Classes: Ranger, Rogue; Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Arcane trickster, Assassin, Neverwinter Nine, Red dragon disciple, Shadow Thief of Amn, Shadowdancer

Requires training: No

Check: You normally make search checks within a distance of 5 feet, but can increase this to 10 feet when in search mode. Search checks for traps are made against a DC of the setter's trap skill and a value in accordance with the strength of the trap.

Special: Only rogues may detect traps with a DC greater than 35;

  • 5 ranks in search gives a +2 synergy bonus to survival;
  • An elf behaves as though in search mode all the time with no penalty to movement;
  • An elf additionally receives +2 racial bonus to this skill;
  • A a half-elf receives +1 racial bonus to this skill;
  • A dwarf or a deep gnome receives +2 racial bonus to this skill, only when inside or underground;
  • A druid receives a +2 bonus to this skill, only when in a wilderness area, due to nature sense.

Use: Automatic


  • The Game Manual incorrectly describes detection in feet, noting game tiles are in meters (5 feet is less than Touch range and would be mean detecting traps with your toes). Trap detection is actually within 5 meters and increasing to 10 meters or 1 tile when in Detect mode.

External resources[]

  • NWNWiki:Search