Righteous Might | |
Spell Information | |
Spell level : | Innate level: 5, Cleric: 5 |
School : | Transmutation |
Components : | Verbal and Somatic |
Range : | Personal |
Target/Area : | Caster |
Duration : | 6 sec. * cLevel 1 Round (cLevel) |
Save : | None |
Spell resistance : | No |
Your size is increased by 50%. You gain a +4 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. You suffer a -1 size penalty to attack and -1 size penalty to AC. All melee weapons deal +3 damage. Additionally, you gain damage reduction 3/evil (if your alignment is good or neutral) or 3/good (if your alignment is evil). At 12th level the damage reduction increases to 6, and at 15th it increases to 9. Note that size-increasing spells never stack with themselves or each other.
In NWN2 (v1.23) the size increase from Righteous Might is only a cosmetic effect and does not actually increase the size modifier. This means it has no effect on Disarm and Knockdown rolls, and there are no penalties per se from increased size. The same applies to Enlarge Person.
The "size penalties" are in fact a -1 penalty to Dodge AC and a -1 penalty to enhancement AB.
In addition to the damage reduction listed above, this spell essentially has the following net effects:
- -1 to attack bonus (as a substitute for the size modifier penalty)
- +2 to attack bonus and damage (from +4 strength)
- +3 to damage with melee weapons (the character sheet shows this as magical damage)
- +1 to fortitude saves (from +2 constitution)
- +1 to AC ( -1 from the dodge penalty and +2 from Natural Armor bonus)
- As with similar modifiers, the above stack with Barbarian Rage.
- Similar to Enlarge Person the +3 magical bonus to damage from this spell:
- Stacks with magical damage imparted by Divine Favor.
- Stacks with adamantine weapons.
- Works with any weapon, not just melee (Arcane Archers take note).
- As per the spell description, this spell will fail and be wasted if attempted while the caster is already under the effects of another size increasing spell such as Enlarge Person. As this spell is superior to Enlarge Person (though of shorter duration) it may be a better choice for the caster unless the slot is needed more elsewhere.
- The damage reduction is only bypassed by Bless Weapon (if Evil) and Aura versus Alignment.