Dialog.Tlk Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the dialog.tlk file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
10001 | 10016 | kevL | Artisan PrC | |
15000 | 16000 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack | |
16001 | 16999 | Chalkdust | Chalkdust Race Pack | |
23000 | 23000 | 0100010 | HCR2 | Player Struck event |
23001 | 24000 | 0100010 | Project M | |
85000 | 85199 | Khaevil | Monk and Paladin Orders | |
102001 | 103000 | Twcheney | unnamed project | |
113891 | 115030 | 4760 | Riding package | |
130000 | 170000 | Syrus Greycloak | Grimoire Spell Add-on | |
174001 | 175000 | 1Ombra1 | Abeir Toril PW Implementations, PrC and Systems | soon on Vault |
211204 | 212104 | Over My Head | Custom TLK for the PW World of Goliath | |
235671 | 236167 | Kamigoroshi | Races of Faerun | these are used by RoF but were never reserved |
240000 | 242804 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
242801 | 242810 | Kamal | Archetype Characters | |
242811 | 244999 | Available | Available | |
245000 | 246000 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
246001 | 249999 | JoshuaKalis | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, etc. | |
250000 | 251000 | Draco | Base Classes, PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
251001 | 251999 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
252000 | 254000 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc | |
254001 | 260000 | GLWizard | GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations | |
260001 | 265000 | 2DruNk2FraG | Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells | |
265001 | 266000 | [1] | Notes, Comments, Various others for the PW Riparia | |
266001 | 266999 | MrBub0 | Tome of Magic: Pact Magic | |
267000 | 267999 | Pain-BrianMeyer | Dungeon Eternal | |
268000 | 272999 | Talon_Argenthawke | Base Classes and PrCs | |
273000 | 275999 | Chatterbox1 | Feats and Racial Templates | |
276000 | 279999 | AnikaMeow | Feats, PRCs, Domains, etc. | |
280000 | 282999 | Drammel | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords | |
290000 | 292000 | Lore of Old | Lore's Classes | |
292001 | 292999 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
293000 | 295000 | nicethugbert | NTB's Deity Pack | |
295501 | 295599 | 1Ombra1 | Ombra's Poison System | |
300000 | 301000 | Loki_999 | Loki's Familiar Pack | |
301001 | 302499 | Available | recalled from unreleased work (Sunshine's Psionics) | |
305000 | 307000 | Axe | Base Classes, PRC, etc... | |
307001 | 307100 | Shaughn | Playable Half-Fiend & Celstial | |
307101 | 307101+ | Available |
Appearance.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the appearance.2da file. If setting up a new alternate animation please reserve a block of 200 wherever there is room and coordinate with Brian Meyer/Pain who will integrate other community content into that range, and it should follow the established order.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 611 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
612 | 649 | Available | ||
650 | 700 | JudeInc | Jude's Creature Pack 1 | |
701 | 799 | Available | ||
800 | 850 | Chalkdust | Chalkdust Race Pack | |
851 | 851 | Arpharazon | Snake | |
852 | 979 | Available | ||
980 | 989 | Dann Pigdon | Gorilla, others | |
990 | 999 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content | |
1000 | 1043 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
1044 | 1050 | Ossian | Mysteries of Westgate | |
1051 | 1199 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack | |
1200 | 1300 | Bouncy Rock | Bouncy Rock appearances | |
1301 | 1325 | ArtEChoke | New(ish) Creatures | |
1326 | 1349 | rjshae | Added creatures | In work |
1400 | 1600 | Ladydesire | race appearances | |
2000 | 2050 | Loki_999 | Loki's familiars | |
2051 | 2299 | 4760 | Additional creatures | crab, octopus, dragons, alien, slaad, etc... |
2300 | 2400 | RWS Board | NWN1 Monsters import | |
2500 | 2699 | [2DruNk2FraG] | Base classes, PrC's, and Spells | |
2700 | 2720 | Everfire Forge | Goblin Worg Riders | |
2721 | 2750 | cuillv | Bullette, Leucrotta, granma, space for others | |
2751 | 2755 | Lanndon Blackmon | Trollocs | |
2756 | 2799 | Available | FaezressSparkles | nwn1 creature conversions |
2800 | 2999 | RWS? | Flying | |
3000 | 3200 | Pain/Brian Meyer | Miscellaneous New Appearances | |
3201 | 3399 | Shaughn | Various Stuff | |
3211 | 3211 | rashi | raven | |
3212 | 3218 | rashi | aquatic creatures | |
3219 | 3300 | rashi | creature overrides | given their own appearance lines |
3400 | 3500 | Evil Edison | Evil Edison appearances | |
3501 | 3549 | Purgatorio Creatures | reserving, was previously in reserved range | |
3550 | 3599 | jestemwlodimierz | jestemwlodimierz creatures | |
3600 | 3799 | 2Drunks Wild Magic | Male Appearances | |
3800 | 3999 | 2Drunks Wild Magic | Female Appearances | |
4000 | 4399 | Community Appearance | RWS_Yeti, RWS_Ice_Troll, Troglodyte, Gorgon, Elephant, Mounts,Owlbear, Peryton | |
4400 | 4599 | RWS | Swimming | |
4600 | 4650 | Trinital | Gorgon_Trinital, Flesh Golem | |
4651 | 4660 | kamal | dynamic githyanki,
released creatures with conflicting 2da lines |
4661 | 4998 | Naku35 | Naku35 new creatures | reserving, was not previously using a reserved row |
4653 | 4653 | Gnomocratic Agent | Magic Broom | |
5000 | 5000 | Ree | Original Beholder Row | |
5001 | 5002 | Frank Perez (aka Elysius) | Hydra | reserving, was not previously using a reserved row |
5003 | 5003 | RWS | Crystal Heart | |
5004 | 5004 | Dann Pigdon | Dragonfly | |
5005 | 5005 | Arpharazon | Giant Ant | |
5006 | 5006 | Daronas | Giant Bat | |
5007 | 5010 | Elysius | Giant Snake | |
5011 | 5012 | RWS/CW | Foxes | |
5013 | 5199 | Kalister68 | Custom creatures |
Appearancesndset.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the appearancesndset.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 30 | Stock Game | ||
31 | 31 | Kalister86 | Wasp |
BaseItems.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the baseitems.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 11 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
12 | 12 | 0100010 | Project M | |
13 | 22 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
23 | 23 | 0100010 | Project M | |
24 | 29 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
30 | 30 | 0100010 | Project M | |
31 | 31 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
32 | 33 | 0100010 | Project M | |
34 | 34 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
35 | 35 | 0100010 | Project M | |
36 | 42 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
43 | 43 | 0100010 | Project M | |
44 | 47 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
48 | 48 | 0100010 | Project M | |
49 | 53 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
54 | 54 | 0100010 | Project M | |
55 | 57 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
58 | 58 | 0100010 | Project M | |
59 | 66 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
67 | 68 | 0100010 | Project M | |
69 | 83 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
84 | 98 | Available | ||
99 | 100 | Drammel | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords | |
101 | 106 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
107 | 107 | Available | ||
108 | 112 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
113 | 113 | Available | ||
114 | 114 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
115 | 115 | Available | ||
116 | 116 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
117 | 118 | Available | ||
119 | 120 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
121 | 122 | Available | ||
124 | 146 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
147 | 179 | Available | ||
180 | 200 | 4760 | Whips, guns, animated weapons | |
201 | 203 | Jester/Nicethugbert | Light Pick, Heavy Pick, Dire Pick | |
204 | 205 | QK | Punching Dagger, Siangham | |
206 | 240 | Alban and EverfireForge | Rural Pack | |
241 | 250 | Shayd3000 | Hoarded by Shayd3000 |
Classes.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the classes.2da file.
ClassId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 40 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
41 | 42 | 0100010 | Project M | |
43 | 43 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
44 | 44 | Available | ||
45 | 47 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
48 |
49 | 0100010 | Project M | |
50 | 61 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
62 | 64 | 0100010 | Project M | |
65 | 65 | Darkkender | Warmage | |
66 | 69 | 0100010 | Project M | |
70 | 73 | Drammel | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords | Crusader, Sword Sage, Warblade, Saint |
74 | 75 | MrBub0 | Tome of Magic: Pact Magic | |
76 | 79 | 0100010 | Project M | |
80 | 98 | JoshuaKalis | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | Mage Tome |
99 | 99 | 0100010 | Project M | |
100 | 104 | Saralach | Pact Bound Warlock | |
105 | 105 | 1Ombra1 | Archmage PrC from Abeir Toril Italian PW | on Vault as soon as possible |
106 | 200 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
175 | 175 | Bouncy Rock | Bouncy Rock Drider PrC | |
176 | 180 | Lore of Old | Lore's PrCs | |
181 | 185 | Pain | ||
186 | 195 | 4760 | Riders classes | |
196 | 200 | Available | (Sunshine's Psionics) | recalled from unreleased work |
201 | 204 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
205 | 207 | Available | (Ladydesire class pack) | recalled from unreleased work |
208 | 208 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
209 | 210 | Available | recalled from unreleased work | |
208 | 208 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
209 | 210 | Available | recalled from unreleased work | |
211 | 211 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
212 | 213 | Available | recalled from unreleased work | |
214 | 214 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
215 | 236 | Available | recalled from unreleased work | |
237 | 237 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
238 | 245 | Available | recalled from unreleased work | |
246 | 246 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc. | |
247 | 249 | Available | recalled from unreleased work | |
250 | 250 | kevL | Artisan PrC | |
251 | 253 | 2DruNk2FraG | Base Classes, PrCs | Man of Two Arms, Disciple of the Hidden Fist, Wild Mage |
254 | 254 | 0100010 | Project M | appears to be the only row available to non-SoZ users |
255 | 255 | CLASS_TYPE_INVALID | Engine Constant | This row cannot be used, nor can any after it. |
Container_Preference.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in your container_preference.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 13 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
14 | 254 | Available | ||
255 | 255 | kevL's | MetaPrepa |
Domains.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the domains.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 27 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
28 | 31 | Available | ||
32 | 50 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
51 | 52 | JoshuaKalis | PrCs, Spells, Domains, Feats etc. | |
53 | 72 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs |
DoorTypes.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the doortypes.2da file.
TileId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
453 | 456 | Tupoun | Tupoun Sewers | original range |
457 | 465 | Available | ||
466 | 500 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc... | |
501 | 505 | witness | CryptPit | |
506 | 509 | Available | ||
510 | 549 | Argyl | Various doors | |
550 | 600 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc... | |
601 | 700 | Nytir | Building Construction Kit II | |
701 | 800 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content | 701-703 are used by Tuopon City Hak (Pain) |
801 | 850 | 4760 | Trapdoors, drow tileset, lava tunnel tileset | |
851 | 851 | Botumys, Kanis Greataxe | Hobbit House door created by Botumys animated by Kanis Greataxe | |
852 | 999 | Kanis Greataxe | Various New And Fixed Doors | |
1000 | 1100 | Tuopon | CityHak (SoZ Version), Sewer Tileset, Blackrock Castle & House | |
1101 | 1140 | rjshae | More Doors | |
1141 | 1155 | kamal | African inspired | |
1156 | 1499 | Available | ||
1500 | 1530 | Calister68 | CODI-SIGIL | from NWN1 custom doors |
Feat.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the feat.2da file.
FeatId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 2255 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
2256 | 2295 | 0100010 | Weapon feats: Lightpick, heavypick, direpick, siangham | |
2296 | 2325 | 0100010 | Skill Knowledge Feats | |
2326 | 2499 | 0100010 | ProjectM | |
2500 | 2569 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack | |
2570 | 2860 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content | |
2861 | 2870 | Ossian | Mysteries of Westgate | |
2871 | 2990 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
2991 | 2992 | Common | Melee/Ranged Touch Spell Specialization | |
2993 | 3400 | Kaedrin | ||
3401 | 3499 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
3500 | 3846 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains | actual as of 1.41.3 note conflict at 3800+ |
3800 | 3999 | GLWizard | Spellpack with Extra Invocations | |
4000 | 4024 | Shaughn | Spell Specialty Tracking | |
4025 | 4349 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains | |
4350 | 4499 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
4500 | 4999 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
5000 | 5499 | JoshuaKalis | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
5500 | 5700 | 2DruNk2FraG | Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells | |
5701 | 5750 | krantork | Half-dragon race and Paragon Classes | |
5751 | 5850 | lofgren | HiPS Replacement, the Conversationalist, Druid Domains | |
5851 | 5950 | BouncyRock Entertainment | BouncyRock Modules | |
5951 | 6000 | Pain, Brian Meyer, Dungeon Eternal | Counterspelling and Races | |
6001 | 6200 | Talon_Argenthawke | Classes and PrCs | |
6201 | 6400 | Chatterbox1 | Feats and Racial templates | |
6401 | 6800 | AnikaMeow | Feats, PRCs, Domains, etc. | |
6801 | 6999 | Drammel | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords | |
7000 | 7999 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
8000 | 8200 | Lore of Old | Lore's PRCs | |
8201 | 8400 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
8501 | 9000 | Pain | Weapon and spell feats | |
9001 | 9008 | kevL | Artisan PrC feats | |
9009 | 9010 | 4760 | Slaads summoning | |
9011 | 9020 | 4760 | Horse riding | |
9021 | 9021 | kevL | Artisan PrC Channel Muse | |
9022 | 9100 | 4760 | Horse riding, pseudodragon and faerie dragon familar/animal companion, werewolf/vampire background traits | |
9101 | 9200 | Available | ||
9201 | 9700 | Axe | PRCs, Feats | |
9701 | 9800 | Khaevil | Monk and Paladin Orders | |
9801 | 9900 | 1Ombra1 | Ombra's - AT PW Implementations (PrC & Systems) | |
9901 | 10000 | Chalkdust | Chalkdust Race Pack | |
10001 | 10030 | Kamal | Archetype Classes | |
10031 | 10031+ | Available |
Grass.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the grass.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 64 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
200 | 250 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content |
Hen_Companion.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the hen_companion.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 8 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
9 | 11 | 0100010 | ProjectM | Other Elementals |
12 | 12 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | Fire Elemental |
13 | 13 | 0100010 | Corrected Telthor Companion | was unreserved from Kaedrins |
14 | 15 | 4760 | Pseudodragon, faeriedragon | |
16 | 57 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack | |
58 | 68 | Available | originally from Cyphre's above but never used | |
69 | 69 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack | |
70 | 94 | 0100010 | Project M | Improved Familiars & Companions |
Hen_Familiar.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the hen_familiar.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 7 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
8 | 12 | 0100010 | Project M | |
13 | 75 | Loki_999 | Loki's NWN1 Style Familiars pack |
InventorySnds.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the inventorysnds.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 32 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
33 | 33 | 0100010 | Project M | silence |
Iprp_Feats.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the iprp_feats.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 798 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
799 | 799 | TCCReboot | Spell Focus (Transmutation) | |
800 | 850 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
851 | 860 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
861 | 1000 | GLWizard | Spellpack with Extra Invocations |
Iprp_Spells.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the iprp_spells.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 474 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
475 | 475 | kevL | Solipsism | |
476 | 708 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
709 | 999 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
1000 | 1300 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
1301 | 2000 | Pain | CSL Library New Spells | |
2101 | 2109 | 1Ombra1 | Ombra's Poison System | |
2110 | 2400 | GLWizard | Spellpack with Extra Invocations | |
2401 | 2450 | 4760 | Horse riding |
Iprp_OnHitSpells.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the iprp_onhitspells.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 142 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
67 | 67 | [Obsidian] | Wall of Fire | broken, no spell index |
71 | 71 | Available | ||
76 | 76 | Available | references a deleted spell | |
93 | 93 | Available | references a deleted spell | |
95 | 95 | Available | references a deleted spell | |
112 | 112 | Available | references a deleted spell | |
115 | 115 | Available | references a deleted spell | |
120 | 120 | 0100010 | HCR2 | |
128 | 128 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
131 | 131 | Available | ||
143 | 150 | Available | ||
151 | 151 | 1Ombra1 | Ombra's Poison System | |
152 | 199 | Available | ||
200 | 205 | Pain | CS Library New Spells | |
206 | 206+ | Available |
Nwn2_Icons.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the nwn2_icons.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 2135 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
1 | 26 | 0100010 | Rural Pack | moved from original positions due to conflict |
27 | 30 | 0100010 | Alternate Light Sources | moved from original positions due to conflict |
31 | 83 | 0100010 | ProjectM/community library | for conflict resolution |
87 | 128 | Available | ||
2136 | 2137 | Drammel? | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords? | |
2138 | 2138 | it_zp_aurilcrown | ||
2139 | 2139 | kevL | it_s_solipsism | scroll icon |
2140 | 2274 | chuckerIINO | cusom content | |
2275 | 2489 | Sabranic | Custom Content | (food, item icons) |
2490 | 2499 | 0100010 | HCR2 | |
2500 | 2501 | Ossian | Mysteries of Westgate | |
2502 | 2765 | GLWizard | Spellpack with Extra Invocations | |
2766 | 2766 | it_wb_bsword66 | ||
2767 | 2786 | slowdive.fan | IWD NWN2 | |
2787 | 2846 | it_wb_bs162 - it_bo_tabi01 | for the Lineage pack | |
2847 | 2850 | Shayd3000 | Pathfinder | |
2851 | 2884 | it_comida_carne - it_zp_aurilcrown | ||
2885 | 2889 | Available | ||
2890 | 2900 | ArtemisAbsinthe | Teleport UO Style | |
2901 | 2999 | 4760 | Icons for riders classes and riding feats | |
3000 | 4199 | _Knightmare_ | Knightmare's Icon Pack | |
4000 | 4029 | 2DruNk2FraG | Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells | |
4200 | 4299 | Available | ||
4300 | 4500 | Available | ||
4501 | 4699 | FR] Les Terres Déchirées 2 | Runes | |
4700 | 4719 | Schazzwozzer | My Samurai is Fight! Japanese armor & clothing v1.01 | |
4720 | 4999 | Available | ||
5000 | 5300 | rjshae | New NWN2 Icons | Part 1 of 2 |
5301 | 8599 | Available | ||
8600 | 9219 | rjshae | New NWN2 Icons | Part 2 of 2 |
9220 | 9259 | tchos | cc icons for candle cave | |
9260 | 9285 | Heed | Angler Pack Fish | rod, line, bait in tchos at 9229-31 |
9286 | 9999 | Available | ||
10000 | 13000 | Ugly_Duck | Ugly_Ducks Icon Packs | |
LoadScreens.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in your loadscreens.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 250 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
118 | 120 | Available | ||
121 | 317 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
318 | 499 | 0100010 | Project M | |
500 | 600 | PW Riparia | Loadscreens | |
601 | 980 | Ugly_Duck | Ugly_Ducks Loadscreen Packs | |
981 | 999 | Available | ||
1000 | 1199 | FR] Les Terres Déchirées 2 | Loadscreens |
MetaTiles.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the metatiles.2da file.
TileId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 63 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
0 | 64-65 | Mazar | Guts Metatiles | Neverwinter Vault link |
70 | 79 | Module owners | Individual module and PW Owners | |
80 | 80 | rjshae | Lava Tube (per Kamal) | |
82 | 125 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms etc... | |
127 | 129 | rjshae | Drow Underfell | |
131 | 150 | witness | CryptPit | |
151 | 158 | rjshae | Diagonal metatiles (SI) | |
159 | 159 | rjshae | Std. Tile Expansion Pack | |
160 | 240 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Cathedral, Dungeon, Dark ruins | |
241 | 248 | rjshae | Diagonal metatiles (SM) | |
249 | 249 | rjshae | Std. Tile Expansion Pack | |
250 | 251 | rjshae | Dungeon tileset | |
250 | 253 | rjshae | Drow tileset | |
250 | 270 | Calister68 | Custom metatiles | |
271 | 300 | rjshae | Diagonal metatiles (IL, ES, SC) | |
301 | 450 | Kamal | Kamals Tile Pack | |
451 | 499 | rjshae | Additions (sea cave [451-460], illithid hive [461-465], ice temple [475-483], cellar tileset [484], sci-fi base [490-492]) |
Nwn2_Deities.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the nwn2_deities.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 108 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
109 | 199 | Available | ||
200 | 1200 | nicethugbert | NTB's Deity Pack |
Packages.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the packages.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 202 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
203 | 203 | kevL | Artisan PrC default | |
204 | 227 | 4760 | Horse Riding | |
228 | 254 | Available | ||
255 | 255 | [Obsidian] | PACKAGE_INVALID | reserved for use by the engine |
256 | 399 | Available | ||
400 | 699 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
700 | 999 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
1000 | 1099 | 2DruNk2FraG | Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells | |
1100 | 1199 | Available | recalled from Talon_Argenthawke Base Classes and PrCs (unreleased) | |
1200 | 1220 | Drammel | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords | |
1221 | 1230 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
1231 | 1250 | Available | recalled from Sunshine Psionics |
Placeables.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the placeables.2da file.
TileId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0001 | 2999 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
21 | 26 | Knightmare | City Background cards | |
251 | 304 | Knightmare | Retextured cave entrabces | |
2900 | 2999 | Tupoun | Sewer placeables | |
3000 | 3999 | RJShae | Modern placeables | Range also used by module builders for custom content. |
4000 | 4499 | Tupoun | City Hack, Sewer Hak, Blackrock Castle, House | |
4500 | 4999 | RWS | future relocation of RWS placeables and all new placeables | |
5000 | 5999 | Cerea2/Kivinen | Item Placeables | |
6000 | 6838 | Rogue Dao Studios | Purgatorio | 6001-6521 are reserved |
6839 | 6847 | Exotic | reserved | |
6850 | 6900 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | New Placeables | |
6901 | 6949 | chuckerIINO | New Placeables | |
6950 | 6999 | PJ156 | Modified RDS content | |
7000 | 7149 | Barry The Hatchet | Houses, Watchtowers, Standing Stones, Runes & Symbols | |
7150 | 7249 | Rjshae | Bonus Blueprints & Dwarf Hold | |
7300 | 7400 | Botumys | Drow Cave | |
7250 | 7499 | TD_Mephisto (Les Terres Déchirées 2) | Ponts, Placeables | |
7500 | 7599 | Ossian | NWN2 Adventure Packs - Mysteries of Westgate | |
7600 | 7999 | cuiilv | Medieval building pack | |
8000 | 8999 | Amraphael | The ZORK Placeables made public for the community | |
9000 | 10049 | Nytir | BCK II | |
10050 | 10499 | Dex/Pain/for Nytir | BCK Eberron and Oriental Expansion Renumbering | |
10500 | 10500 | Dex/Pain | Animated Catapult | for dealing with conflicts |
10501 | 10521 | Dex/Pain | City Walls | Simbolic was using same 7000 range as BTH |
10522 | 10524 | Rjshae | Dwarf Hold (v1.1) | |
10525 | 10543 | Dex/Pain | Zpirit Crystal HAK Mushrooms HAK Boulders was using same 10050 range as BCK is moving to | |
10550 | 10557 | Dex/Pain | Traps 1 and 2 | ArPharazon was using same 2000 range as Obsidian |
105?? | 10899 | Dex/Pain | for dealing with conflicts | |
10900 | 10999 | Dex/Pain | Tintable Boulders and Rocks | |
11000 | 11999 | Jaesun999's Placeables | Tapestry Pack Rug Pack | |
12000 | 12258 | Dex/Pain/for Nytir | BCK I Renumbering | |
12259 | 12585 | Morbane | Tintable Circles | and other content which had conflicts |
12586 | 12630 | Codi Sigil | Sigil Exterior CODI | content from NWN1 |
12631 | 12640 | SGK73 | Collision Helpers | |
12641 | 12699 | Equintir Eliguard | Islander Placeables | |
12700 | 12799 | Qk | Gargoyles Placeables & More | |
12800 | 12849 | Gaming Parents Studios | Trinity Placeables Pack | |
12850 | 12879 | Arpharazon | Faerun Stained Glass & Stained Glass | |
12880 | 12999 | 4760 | Animated placeables | levers, buttons, pressure floors, statues, wall torches, trapdoors, chests, coffins, etc... |
13000 | 13500 | DW | Deep Water Placables | |
13501 | 13999 | Rjshae | City-State Pack | |
14000 | 14200 | The Realms of Trinity - Z & K Studios | The Realms of Trinity Community Placeable Pack | |
14201 | 14509 | 4760 | New models | bridges, farms, towers, castles |
14510 | 14632 | Shayd3000 for Chaos | renumber some of Chaos Placeables 1.8 to bring into compliance with SOZ and version 1.23 | |
14633 | 14660 | Tchos | Cave Placeables | |
14661 | 14699 | Kanis Greataxe | Various New and Ported Placeable's | |
14700 | 14799 | Semper | reserved for custom placeables | |
14800 | 14999 | Kanis Greataxe | Various New and Ported Placeable's | |
15000 | 15999 | Tchos | Witcher Placeable conversion project | |
16000 | 16199 | Rjshae | Plant pack | |
16200 | 16299 | PJ156 | Tintable stock items | |
16300 | 16499 | Morbane | Arcane Circles | |
16500 | 16699 | PJ156 | Tintable stock items | |
16700 | 16799 | Crystal Violet | Placeable OC doors | |
17000 | 19000 | PDubulous | Dragonlance Nights | |
18000 | 18099 | witness | CryptPit | |
18100 | 18137 | reserved | ||
18138 | 18144 | Heed | Walkable ships | |
18151 | 18157 | Rjshae | Heeds Walkable ships update | |
18160 | 18300 | Rjshae | Rock Pack | |
19001 | 19299 | Mixed Authors | Various item packages | |
19300 | 19350 | racerblue | RB_Ruins Full | |
19401 | 19581 | The Abbott | Wall Signs | |
19601 | 19650 | Kurogo | Japanese Garden Placeables | |
19651 | 19670 | Rjshae | Planet Placeables | |
19720 | 19800 | NWN Community | Stock Hidden Content | |
19888 | 19920 | Trevor Morris | Cliff Pack | |
20001 | 20499 | Kamal | Tintable items | |
20500 | 20999 | Kalister68 | reserved for custom placeables | |
21000 | 21509 | Rjshae | Sundry items pack | |
21510 | 21799 | Rjshae | Old World pack | |
22200 | 22300 | Tropetyper | Gods of Faerun Tapestries | |
22500 | 22800 | PJ156 | SOAR Models | |
22883 | 23564 | Snakebane | Foliage Pack 3 | |
23600 | 23750 | Kamal | RWS Citadel Tiles as placeables | |
23800 | 23950 | Kamal | Stone Wall retextures | |
25376 | 25960 | Kamal | Tileset Construction Kit | |
25961 | 28500 | Kamal | Placeable Pack | |
28501 | 28550 | Kamal | ||
28551 | 29000 | Kamal | ||
29001 | 29500 | Gribo | Various placeables, Elven houses and tree path |
Poison.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the poison.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 48 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
49 | 50 | Available | ||
51 | 59 | Cyphre/Cyphre69 | Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack | |
60 | 65 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
66 | 70 | Available | ||
71 | 80 | Loki_999 | NWN1 Style Familiars | |
81 | 99 | 1Ombra1 | Ombra's Poison System | |
100 | 100 | Available | ||
101 | 208 | Pain-BrianMeyer | Dex |
Polymorph.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the polymorph.2da file. Please coordinate with Brianmeyer in regards to appearance row references.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 115 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
116 | 160 | Brianmeyer | Polymorph for new Appearances | |
161 | 161 | Ossian | Mysteries of Westgate | |
162 | 180 | Kaedrin | Polymorph, Wildshape, Dragonshape, etc. | |
181 | 185 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
186 | 200 | Available | ||
201 | 201 | Horned Devil |
RacialSubtypes.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the racialsubtypes.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 48 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
49 | 65 | Available | 4760 | Slaads |
64 | 66 | Shaughn | Halfiend | |
67 | 68 | Kaedrin | Star Elf and Painted Elf | |
70 | 99 | Chalkdust | Chalkdust Race Pack | |
100 | 120 | Ladydesire | Custom races for class pack | |
122 | 123 | Races of Faerun | Minotaur & Drider | |
124 | 125 | 0100010 | Project M | |
150 | 225 | Races of Faerun | were inside padding, increased all rows by 100 (Pain) | |
250 | 300 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content |
Skills.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the skills.2da file.
Number | Skill Name | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | DEL_AnimalEmpathy | Available | deleted | |
1 | Concentration | [Obsidian] | stock | |
2 | DisableDevice | [Obsidian] | stock | (active Skill, trained, hardcoded to UI) |
3 | DEL_Discipline | Available | deleted | |
4 | Heal | [Obsidian] | stock | active skill, hardcoded to UI |
5 | Hide | [Obsidian] | stock | active skill, hardcoded to: UI & engine rules, mode toggle |
6 | Listen | [Obsidian] | stock | hardcoded to engine rules |
7 | Lore | [Obsidian] | stock | hardcoded to UI, identify behavior & bardic knowledge feat |
8 | MoveSilently | [Obsidian] | stock | hardcoded to engine rules |
9 | OpenLock | [Obsidian] | stock | active, trained, hardcoded to UI |
10 | Parry | [Obsidian] | stock | active, hardcoded to UI, mode toggle |
11 | Perform | [Obsidian] | stock | trained |
12 | Diplomacy | [Obsidian] | stock | |
13 | SleightOfHand | [Obsidian] | stock | active, trained, hardcoded to UI, hostile |
14 | Search | [Obsidian] | stock | active, hardcoded to UI, mode toggle |
15 | SetTrap | [Obsidian] | stock | active, trained, hardcoded to UI |
16 | Spellcraft | [Obsidian] | stock | trained, hardcoded to engine rules |
17 | Spot | [Obsidian] | stock | hardcoded to engine rules |
18 | Taunt | [Obsidian] | stock | active, hardcoded to UI, hostile, mode toggle |
19 | UseMagicDevice | [Obsidian] | stock | trained, hardcoded to engine rules |
20 | Appraise | [Obsidian] | stock | |
21 | Tumble | [Obsidian] | stock | trained, hardcoded to engine rules |
22 | CraftTrap | [Obsidian] | stock | |
23 | Bluff | [Obsidian] | stock | |
24 | Intimidate | [Obsidian] | stock | |
25 | CraftArmor | [Obsidian] | stock | |
26 | CraftWeapon | [Obsidian] | stock | |
27 | CraftAlchemy | [Obsidian] | stock | |
28 | Ride | 4760 | Riding | Custom content |
29 | Survival | [Obsidian] | stock | hardcoded to track feat |
30 | Balance | ALFA | ALFA | |
31 | Climb | ALFA | ALFA | |
32 | DecipherScript | ALFA | ALFA | possible broken row |
33 | Knowledge (dungeoneering) | ALFA | ALFA | |
34 | Disguise | ALFA | ALFA | possible broken row |
35 | EscapeArtist | ALFA | ALFA | |
36 | Forgery | ALFA | ALFA | |
37 | GatherInformation | ALFA | ALFA | |
38 | HandleAnimal | ALFA | ALFA | |
39 | Jump | ALFA | ALFA | |
40 | Knowledge (arcana) | ALFA | ALFA | |
41 | Knowledge (history) | ALFA | ALFA | possible broken row |
42 | Knowledge (nature) | ALFA | ALFA | |
43 | Knowledge (religion) | ALFA | ALFA | |
44 | Knowledge (theplanes) | ALFA | ALFA | |
45 | Perform (act) | ALFA | ALFA | possible broken row |
46 | Perform (dance) | ALFA | ALFA | |
47 | Perform (oratory) | ALFA | ALFA | |
48 | Perform (string instruments) | ALFA | ALFA | |
49 | Perform (sing) | ALFA | ALFA | |
50 | Profession | ALFA | ALFA | |
51 | SenseMotive | ALFA | ALFA | |
52 | SpeakLanguage | ALFA | ALFA | |
53 | Swim | ALFA | ALFA | |
54 | UseRope | ALFA | ALFA | |
55 | Knowledge (geography) | ALFA | ALFA | |
56 | Knowledge (nobility) | ALFA | ALFA | |
57 | ALFA | ALFA | reserved | |
58 | Knowledge (engineering) | ALFA | ALFA | |
59 | Knowledge (local) | ALFA | ALFA | |
60 | Perform (percussion) | ALFA | ALFA | |
61 | Perform (keyboards) | ALFA | ALFA | |
62 | Perform (wind instruments) | ALFA | ALFA | possible broken row |
63 | Perform (comedy) | ALFA | ALFA | |
64 | Craft (Alchemy) | ALFA | ALFA | |
65 | Craft (Armorsmithing) | ALFA | ALFA | possible broken row |
66 | Craft (Bowmaking) | ALFA | ALFA | |
67 | Craft (Weaponsmithing) | ALFA | ALFA | |
68 | Available | |||
69 | Available | |||
70 | Available | |||
71 | Available | |||
72 | Available | |||
73 | Available | possible broken row | ||
74 | Available | |||
75 | Available | |||
76 | Available | |||
77 | Available | possible broken row | ||
78 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
79 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
80 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
81 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
82 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
83 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
84 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
85 | Alternate version of skill | 0100010 | ProjectM | attempt to overcome hardcoding |
86 | Available | |||
87 | Available | |||
88 | Available | |||
89 | Available | |||
90 | Available | |||
91 | Available | |||
92 | Available | |||
93 | Available | |||
94 | Available | |||
95 | Available | |||
96 | Available | possible broken row | ||
97 | Available | possible broken row | ||
98 | Available | possible broken row | ||
99 | Available | |||
100 | Available | |||
101+ | Not usable | it is believed that no skills at numbers greater than 100 are supported |
SoundSet.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the soundset.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 570 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
571 | 580 | Eguintir Eligard | Crocodile+ | |
581 | 799 | Available | ||
800 | 811 | Ossian | Mysteries of Westgate | |
812 | 812 | Quelzarn |
Spells.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the spells.2da file
SpellId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 1215 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
1216 | 1220 | rjshae | New Mephits | |
1221 | 1221 | kevL | Artisan PrC Channel Muse | |
1222 | 1503 | Available | ||
1504 | 1504 | Giant Boulder Throw | ||
1505 | 1550 | 4760 | Catapult/Munitions | |
1551 | 1685 | Jestemwlodomierz | Shambler | |
1552 | 1685 | Available | ||
1686 | 1686 | 0100010 | HCR2 - Player Struck event | |
1687 | 1697 | Ossian | Mysteries of Westgate | moved up for compatibility |
1698 | 1800 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
1801 | 1811 | Reeron & Trekari | [2]Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
1812 | 2000 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
2001 | 2011 | Solorokai | Prestige Paladin, Dragon Disciple, other PrCs | |
2012 | 2100 | Reeron & Trekari | [3]Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
2101 | 2151 | marlin1500 | New Reserve Feats | |
2152 | 2199 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
2200 | 2299 | Reeron & Trekari | Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
2300 | 2600 | JoshuaKalis | PrCs, Spells, Domains, Feats etc | |
2601 | 2900 | GLWizard | Spellpack with Extra Invocations | |
2901 | 2999 | Reeron & Trekari | [4]Spell Fixes and Improvements | |
3000 | 3599 | Kaedrin | PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs | |
3600 | 3800 | 2DruNk2FraG | Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells | |
3801 | 3999 | Pain-BrianMeyer | PW Specific Ranges - Use these just for your world | |
4000 | 4500 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
4501 | 4550 | krantork | Half-dragon race and Paragon Classes | |
4551 | 4650 | lofgren | HiPS Replacement, the Conversationalist, Druid Domains | |
4651 | 4750 | BouncyRock Entertainment | BouncyRock Modules | |
4751 | 5000 | Available | recalled from Talon_Argenthawke unreleased classes | |
5001 | 5500 | Chatterbox1 | Feats and Racial Templates | |
5501 | 6500 | Pain-BrianMeyer | New Spells | |
6501 | 6700 | Drammel | Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords | |
6701 | 6799 | Lore of Old | Lore's Classes | more will be revealed |
7000 | 7999 | Ladydesire | PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. | |
8000 | 8300 | Saralach | Saralach's Invocation Pack | |
8301 | 8599 | Available | recalled from Sunshine's Psionics | |
8600 | 8600 | Knsgf | Modified armor and weapon behavior | |
8601 | 8999 | Pain | CSL Language System | |
9001 | 9099 | 1Ombra1 | Ombra's AT PW Implementation (PrC & System) | |
9100 | 9299 | Axe | PrCs, Feats, Spells... | |
9300 | 9349 | Shaughn | Boulder Toss, Taunt Feat, Necro Spells, Half-Fiend Spell Like-Abilities | |
9350 | 9355 | ArtemisAbsinthe | Teleportation UO style |
TailModel.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the tailmodel.2da file.
TileId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 14 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
15 | 15 | 4760 | Alternate blue dragon tail | |
16 | 18 | 4760 | Octopus "tails" | |
19 | 19 | 4760 | not used yet | |
20 | 29 | 4760 | Various dragon tails (chromatic, metallic, lich) | |
30 | 30 | 4760 | not used yet | |
31 | 32 | Cyric_the_Dark | Feline Tails | |
33 | 33 | Rashi | Red Dragon Rashi Tail |
TerrainMaterials.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the terrainmaterials.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 163 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
300 | 400 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content | |
401 | 999 | Kamal | Kamal's Terrain Texture Pack | |
1000 | 1500 | Ugly_Duck | Terrain Texture Packs |
TexturesTileFloor.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the texturestilefloor.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 29 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
30 | 30 | Kamal | Standard Mine (didnt have an entry in Obsidian 2das) | |
80 | 99 | rjshae | Giant Castle (80), Sci-Fi Base (87), Modern Office (90-91), Classic Dungeon (92), Cellar (93), Lava Tube (94), Illithid Hive (95), Sea Cave (96), Adobe (97), Drow Underfell (98), Barrow (99), Ice Temple (100-103)* | |
100 | 200 | Jaesun999 | Jaesun999 Floor Packs | |
301 | 750 | Kamal | Kamal's Tileset Project |
TexturesTileWall.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the texturestilewall.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 28 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
30 | 30 | Kamal | Standard Mine (didnt have an entry in Obsidian 2das) | |
80 | 99 | rjshae | Giant Castle (80), Sci-Fi Base (87), Modern Office (89-91), Classic Dungeon (92), Cellar (93), Lava Tube (94), Illithid Hive (95), Sea Cave (96), Adobe (97), Drow Underfell (98), Barrow (99), Ice Temple (100-103)* | |
100 | 300 | Jaesun999 | Jaesun999 Wall Texture packs | |
301 | 750 | Kamal | Kamal's Tileset Project | |
751 | 900 | Kalister68 | Kalister68 Tilesets |
TexturesTileCeiling.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the texturestileceiling.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 23 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
30 | 30 | Kamal | Standard Mine (didnt have an entry in Obsidian 2das) | |
80 | 99 | rjshae | Giant Castle (80), Sci-Fi Base (87), Modern Office (89-91), Classic Dungeon (92), Cellar (93), Lava Tube (94), Illithid Hive (95), Sea Cave (96), Adobe (97), Drow Underfell (98), Barrow (99), Ice Temple (100-103)* | |
100 | 200 | Jaesun999 | Jaesun999 SI Re-Skin Pack 01 | |
301 | 750 | Kamal | Kamal's Tileset Project |
Use this to mention which range you use in the tilecolor.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
0 | 7 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
20 | 20 | rjshae | Drow Underfell | |
21 | 21 | rjshae | Sea Cave |
Tiles.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the tiles.2da file.
TileId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
840 | 1450 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc... | |
1451 | 1500 | rjshae | Barrow (1451-1496) | |
1501 | 1550 | witness | CryptPit | |
1551 | 1598 | rjshae | Drow Underfell (1551-1597) | |
1599 | 1900 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Cathedral, Dungeon, Dark Ruins etc... | |
1901 | 1998 | Module Owners | Individual Module and PW content | |
1999 | 1999 | violet | Invisible Tile | |
2000 | 2099 | Cerea2/Kivinen | Round Rooms | |
2100 | 2299 | rjshae | Adobe (2100-2145), Lava Tube (2150-2195), Sea Cave (2200-2252), Illithid Hive (2253-2297) | |
2300 | 2600 | RWS | RWS Tilesets | |
2601 | 4750 | Kamal | Kamals Tileset Project | |
4751 | 4800 | Kamal | Tileset Construction Kit | |
4801 | 5300 | Calister68 | Calisters tiles | |
5301 | 5850 | rjshae | Ice Temple (5301-5345), Cellar (5347-5393), Classic Dungeon (5397-5442), Modern Office (5445-5490), Sci-Fi Base Interior* (5000-5045), Giant Castle (5550-5545) |
TileSets.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the tilesets.2da file.
TileId Start Number | End Number | Community Name or Group | Project Name | Notes |
18 | 24 | RWS | RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc... | |
25 | 25 | witness | CryptPit | |
26 | 31 | rjshae | Sci-Fi Base Interior (26), Giant Castle (27), Modern Office (29), Cellar (30), Classic Dungeon (31) | |
32 | 34 | Available | ||
35 | 40 | RWS | Pocket_Cathedrals_RWS, Dungeons_RWS, Pocket_Ship_Interiors_RWS, The_Keep_Project
Dark_Ruins_RWS, CODI-Sigil |
41 | 44 | rjshae | Adobe (41), Ice Temple (42), Drow Underfell (43), Barrow (44) | |
45 | 46 | RWS | Grand Causeway, Dark Mines | |
47 | 54 | available | ||
55 | 55 | RWS | Citadel | |
56 | 70 | reserved for module owners | ||
71 | 115 | kamal | tileset compilation project | |
116 | 120 | Calister/Kalister | dungeon, catacombs, crypt, sewer, interior |
WingModel.2da Reservations[]
Use this to mention which range you use in the wingmodel.2da file.
Start Number | End Number | Community name or group | Project name | Notes |
0 | 27 | [Obsidian] | stock | |
28 | 29 | 4760 | Hook Horror/Vrock | |
30 | 30 | Ossian | padding for MoW | |
31 | 31 | Elysius | Hydra/Giant Snake Tongue | |
32 | 45 | 4760 | Dragon wings, Harpy, Aarokra
Horse riding cloaks, NPC cloaks and wings |
46 | 46 | Rashi | Balor_Rashi_Wings | |
55 | 55 | Jestemwlodomierz | Reaper |