
Dialog.Tlk Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the dialog.tlk file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
10001 10016 kevL Artisan PrC
15000 16000 Cyphre/Cyphre69 Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack
16001 16999 Chalkdust Chalkdust Race Pack
23000 23000 0100010 HCR2 Player Struck event
23001 24000 0100010 Project M
85000 85199 Khaevil Monk and Paladin Orders
102001 103000 Twcheney unnamed project
113891 115030 4760 Riding package
130000 170000 Syrus Greycloak Grimoire Spell Add-on
174001 175000 1Ombra1 Abeir Toril PW Implementations, PrC and Systems soon on Vault
211204 212104 Over My Head Custom TLK for the PW World of Goliath
235671 236167 Kamigoroshi Races of Faerun these are used by RoF but were never reserved
240000 242804 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
242801 242810 Kamal Archetype Characters
242811 244999 Available Available
245000 246000 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
246001 249999 JoshuaKalis PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, etc.
250000 251000 Draco Base Classes, PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
251001 251999 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
252000 254000 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc
254001 260000 GLWizard GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations
260001 265000 2DruNk2FraG Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells
265001 266000 [1] Notes, Comments, Various others for the PW Riparia
266001 266999 MrBub0 Tome of Magic: Pact Magic
267000 267999 Pain-BrianMeyer Dungeon Eternal
268000 272999 Talon_Argenthawke Base Classes and PrCs
273000 275999 Chatterbox1 Feats and Racial Templates
276000 279999 AnikaMeow Feats, PRCs, Domains, etc.
280000 282999 Drammel Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords
290000 292000 Lore of Old Lore's Classes
292001 292999 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
293000 295000 nicethugbert NTB's Deity Pack
295501 295599 1Ombra1 Ombra's Poison System
300000 301000 Loki_999 Loki's Familiar Pack
301001 302499 Available recalled from unreleased work (Sunshine's Psionics)
305000 307000 Axe Base Classes, PRC, etc...
307001 307100 Shaughn Playable Half-Fiend & Celstial
307101 307101+ Available

Appearance.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the appearance.2da file. If setting up a new alternate animation please reserve a block of 200 wherever there is room and coordinate with Brian Meyer/Pain who will integrate other community content into that range, and it should follow the established order.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 611 [Obsidian] stock
612 649 Available
650 700 JudeInc Jude's Creature Pack 1
701 799 Available
800 850 Chalkdust Chalkdust Race Pack
851 851 Arpharazon Snake
852 979 Available
980 989 Dann Pigdon Gorilla, others
990 999 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content
1000 1043 [Obsidian] stock
1044 1050 Ossian Mysteries of Westgate
1051 1199 Cyphre/Cyphre69 Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack
1200 1300 Bouncy Rock Bouncy Rock appearances
1301 1325 ArtEChoke New(ish) Creatures
1326 1349 rjshae Added creatures In work
1400 1600 Ladydesire race appearances
2000 2050 Loki_999 Loki's familiars
2051 2299 4760 Additional creatures crab, octopus, dragons, alien, slaad, etc...
2300 2400 RWS Board NWN1 Monsters import
2500 2699 [2DruNk2FraG] Base classes, PrC's, and Spells
2700 2720 Everfire Forge Goblin Worg Riders
2721 2750 cuillv Bullette, Leucrotta, granma, space for others
2751 2755 Lanndon Blackmon Trollocs
2756 2799 Available FaezressSparkles nwn1 creature conversions
2800 2999 RWS? Flying
3000 3200 Pain/Brian Meyer Miscellaneous New Appearances
3201 3399 Shaughn Various Stuff
3211 3211 rashi raven
3212 3218 rashi aquatic creatures
3219 3300 rashi creature overrides given their own appearance lines
3400 3500 Evil Edison Evil Edison appearances
3501 3549 Purgatorio Creatures reserving, was previously in reserved range
3550 3599 jestemwlodimierz jestemwlodimierz creatures
3600 3799 2Drunks Wild Magic Male Appearances
3800 3999 2Drunks Wild Magic Female Appearances
4000 4399 Community Appearance RWS_Yeti, RWS_Ice_Troll, Troglodyte, Gorgon, Elephant, Mounts,Owlbear, Peryton
4400 4599 RWS Swimming
4600 4650 Trinital Gorgon_Trinital, Flesh Golem
4651 4660 kamal dynamic githyanki,

released creatures with conflicting 2da lines

4661 4998 Naku35 Naku35 new creatures reserving, was not previously using a reserved row
4653 4653 Gnomocratic Agent Magic Broom
5000 5000 Ree Original Beholder Row
5001 5002 Frank Perez (aka Elysius) Hydra reserving, was not previously using a reserved row
5003 5003 RWS Crystal Heart
5004 5004 Dann Pigdon Dragonfly
5005 5005 Arpharazon Giant Ant
5006 5006 Daronas Giant Bat
5007 5010 Elysius Giant Snake
5011 5012 RWS/CW Foxes
5013 5199 Kalister68 Custom creatures

Appearancesndset.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the appearancesndset.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 30 Stock Game
31 31 Kalister86 Wasp

BaseItems.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the baseitems.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 11 [Obsidian] stock
12 12 0100010 Project M
13 22 [Obsidian] stock
23 23 0100010 Project M
24 29 [Obsidian] stock
30 30 0100010 Project M
31 31 [Obsidian] stock
32 33 0100010 Project M
34 34 [Obsidian] stock
35 35 0100010 Project M
36 42 [Obsidian] stock
43 43 0100010 Project M
44 47 [Obsidian] stock
48 48 0100010 Project M
49 53 [Obsidian] stock
54 54 0100010 Project M
55 57 [Obsidian] stock
58 58 0100010 Project M
59 66 [Obsidian] stock
67 68 0100010 Project M
69 83 [Obsidian] stock
84 98 Available
99 100 Drammel Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords
101 106 [Obsidian] stock
107 107 Available
108 112 [Obsidian] stock
113 113 Available
114 114 [Obsidian] stock
115 115 Available
116 116 [Obsidian] stock
117 118 Available
119 120 [Obsidian] stock
121 122 Available
124 146 [Obsidian] stock
147 179 Available
180 200 4760 Whips, guns, animated weapons
201 203 Jester/Nicethugbert Light Pick, Heavy Pick, Dire Pick
204 205 QK Punching Dagger, Siangham
206 240 Alban and EverfireForge Rural Pack
241 250 Shayd3000 Hoarded by Shayd3000

Classes.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the classes.2da file.

ClassId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 40 [Obsidian] stock
41 42 0100010 Project M
43 43 [Obsidian] stock
44 44 Available
45 47 [Obsidian] stock


49 0100010 Project M
50 61 [Obsidian] stock
62 64 0100010 Project M
65 65 Darkkender Warmage
66 69 0100010 Project M
70 73 Drammel Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords Crusader, Sword Sage, Warblade, Saint
74 75 MrBub0 Tome of Magic: Pact Magic
76 79 0100010 Project M
80 98 JoshuaKalis PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc. Mage Tome
99 99 0100010 Project M
100 104 Saralach Pact Bound Warlock
105 105 1Ombra1 Archmage PrC from Abeir Toril Italian PW on Vault as soon as possible
106 200 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
175 175 Bouncy Rock Bouncy Rock Drider PrC
176 180 Lore of Old Lore's PrCs
181 185 Pain
186 195 4760 Riders classes
196 200 Available (Sunshine's Psionics) recalled from unreleased work
201 204 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
205 207 Available (Ladydesire class pack) recalled from unreleased work
208 208 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
209 210 Available recalled from unreleased work
208 208 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
209 210 Available recalled from unreleased work
211 211 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
212 213 Available recalled from unreleased work
214 214 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
215 236 Available recalled from unreleased work
237 237 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
238 245 Available recalled from unreleased work
246 246 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats,etc.
247 249 Available recalled from unreleased work
250 250 kevL Artisan PrC
251 253 2DruNk2FraG Base Classes, PrCs Man of Two Arms, Disciple of the Hidden Fist, Wild Mage
254 254 0100010 Project M appears to be the only row available to non-SoZ users
255 255 CLASS_TYPE_INVALID Engine Constant This row cannot be used, nor can any after it.

Container_Preference.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in your container_preference.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 13 [Obsidian] stock
14 254 Available
255 255 kevL's MetaPrepa

Domains.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the domains.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 27 [Obsidian] stock
28 31 Available
32 50 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
51 52 JoshuaKalis PrCs, Spells, Domains, Feats etc.
53 72 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs

DoorTypes.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the doortypes.2da file.

TileId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
453 456 Tupoun Tupoun Sewers original range
457 465 Available
466 500 RWS RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc...
501 505 witness CryptPit
506 509 Available
510 549 Argyl Various doors
550 600 RWS RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc...
601 700 Nytir Building Construction Kit II
701 800 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content 701-703 are used by Tuopon City Hak (Pain)
801 850 4760 Trapdoors, drow tileset, lava tunnel tileset
851 851 Botumys, Kanis Greataxe Hobbit House door created by Botumys animated by Kanis Greataxe
852 999 Kanis Greataxe Various New And Fixed Doors
1000 1100 Tuopon CityHak (SoZ Version), Sewer Tileset, Blackrock Castle & House
1101 1140 rjshae More Doors
1141 1155 kamal African inspired
1156 1499 Available
1500 1530 Calister68 CODI-SIGIL from NWN1 custom doors

Feat.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the feat.2da file.

FeatId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 2255 [Obsidian] stock
2256 2295 0100010 Weapon feats: Lightpick, heavypick, direpick, siangham
2296 2325 0100010 Skill Knowledge Feats
2326 2499 0100010 ProjectM
2500 2569 Cyphre/Cyphre69 Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack
2570 2860 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content
2861 2870 Ossian Mysteries of Westgate
2871 2990 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
2991 2992 Common Melee/Ranged Touch Spell Specialization
2993 3400 Kaedrin
3401 3499 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
3500 3846 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains actual as of 1.41.3 note conflict at 3800+
3800 3999 GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations
4000 4024 Shaughn Spell Specialty Tracking
4025 4349 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains
4350 4499 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
4500 4999 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
5000 5499 JoshuaKalis PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
5500 5700 2DruNk2FraG Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells
5701 5750 krantork Half-dragon race and Paragon Classes
5751 5850 lofgren HiPS Replacement, the Conversationalist, Druid Domains
5851 5950 BouncyRock Entertainment BouncyRock Modules
5951 6000 Pain, Brian Meyer, Dungeon Eternal Counterspelling and Races
6001 6200 Talon_Argenthawke Classes and PrCs
6201 6400 Chatterbox1 Feats and Racial templates
6401 6800 AnikaMeow Feats, PRCs, Domains, etc.
6801 6999 Drammel Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords
7000 7999 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
8000 8200 Lore of Old Lore's PRCs
8201 8400 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
8501 9000 Pain Weapon and spell feats
9001 9008 kevL Artisan PrC feats
9009 9010 4760 Slaads summoning
9011 9020 4760 Horse riding
9021 9021 kevL Artisan PrC Channel Muse
9022 9100 4760 Horse riding, pseudodragon and faerie dragon familar/animal companion, werewolf/vampire background traits
9101 9200 Available
9201 9700 Axe PRCs, Feats
9701 9800 Khaevil Monk and Paladin Orders
9801 9900 1Ombra1 Ombra's - AT PW Implementations (PrC & Systems)
9901 10000 Chalkdust Chalkdust Race Pack
10001 10030 Kamal Archetype Classes
10031 10031+ Available

Grass.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the grass.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 64 [Obsidian] stock
200 250 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content

Hen_Companion.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the hen_companion.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 8 [Obsidian] stock
9 11 0100010 ProjectM Other Elementals
12 12 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs Fire Elemental
13 13 0100010 Corrected Telthor Companion was unreserved from Kaedrins
14 15 4760 Pseudodragon, faeriedragon
16 57 Cyphre/Cyphre69 Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack
58 68 Available originally from Cyphre's above but never used
69 69 Cyphre/Cyphre69 Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack
70 94 0100010 Project M Improved Familiars & Companions

Hen_Familiar.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the hen_familiar.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 7 [Obsidian] stock
8 12 0100010 Project M
13 75 Loki_999 Loki's NWN1 Style Familiars pack

InventorySnds.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the inventorysnds.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 32 [Obsidian] stock
33 33 0100010 Project M silence

Iprp_Feats.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the iprp_feats.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 798 [Obsidian] stock
799 799 TCCReboot Spell Focus (Transmutation)
800 850 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
851 860 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
861 1000 GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations

Iprp_Spells.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the iprp_spells.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 474 [Obsidian] stock
475 475 kevL Solipsism
476 708 [Obsidian] stock
709 999 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
1000 1300 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
1301 2000 Pain CSL Library New Spells
2101 2109 1Ombra1 Ombra's Poison System
2110 2400 GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations
2401 2450 4760 Horse riding

Iprp_OnHitSpells.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the iprp_onhitspells.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 142 [Obsidian] stock
67 67 [Obsidian] Wall of Fire broken, no spell index
71 71 Available
76 76 Available references a deleted spell
93 93 Available references a deleted spell
95 95 Available references a deleted spell
112 112 Available references a deleted spell
115 115 Available references a deleted spell
120 120 0100010 HCR2
128 128 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
131 131 Available
143 150 Available
151 151 1Ombra1 Ombra's Poison System
152 199 Available
200 205 Pain CS Library New Spells
206 206+ Available

Nwn2_Icons.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the nwn2_icons.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 2135 [Obsidian] stock
1 26 0100010 Rural Pack moved from original positions due to conflict
27 30 0100010 Alternate Light Sources moved from original positions due to conflict
31 83 0100010 ProjectM/community library for conflict resolution
87 128 Available
2136 2137 Drammel? Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords?
2138 2138 it_zp_aurilcrown
2139 2139 kevL it_s_solipsism scroll icon
2140 2274 chuckerIINO cusom content
2275 2489 Sabranic Custom Content (food, item icons)
2490 2499 0100010 HCR2
2500 2501 Ossian Mysteries of Westgate
2502 2765 GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations
2766 2766 it_wb_bsword66
2767 2786 slowdive.fan IWD NWN2
2787 2846 it_wb_bs162 - it_bo_tabi01 for the Lineage pack
2847 2850 Shayd3000 Pathfinder
2851 2884 it_comida_carne - it_zp_aurilcrown
2885 2889 Available
2890 2900 ArtemisAbsinthe Teleport UO Style
2901 2999 4760 Icons for riders classes and riding feats
3000 4199 _Knightmare_ Knightmare's Icon Pack
4000 4029 2DruNk2FraG Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells
4200 4299 Available
4300 4500 Available
4501 4699 FR] Les Terres Déchirées 2 Runes
4700 4719 Schazzwozzer My Samurai is Fight! Japanese armor & clothing v1.01
4720 4999 Available
5000 5300 rjshae New NWN2 Icons Part 1 of 2
5301 8599 Available
8600 9219 rjshae New NWN2 Icons Part 2 of 2
9220 9259 tchos cc icons for candle cave
9260 9285 Heed Angler Pack Fish rod, line, bait in tchos at 9229-31
9286 9999 Available
10000 13000 Ugly_Duck Ugly_Ducks Icon Packs

LoadScreens.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in your loadscreens.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 250 [Obsidian] stock
118 120 Available
121 317 [Obsidian] stock
318 499 0100010 Project M
500 600 PW Riparia Loadscreens
601 980 Ugly_Duck Ugly_Ducks Loadscreen Packs
981 999 Available
1000 1199 FR] Les Terres Déchirées 2 Loadscreens

MetaTiles.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the metatiles.2da file.

TileId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 63 [Obsidian] stock
0 64-65 Mazar Guts Metatiles Neverwinter Vault link
70 79 Module owners Individual module and PW Owners
80 80 rjshae Lava Tube (per Kamal)
82 125 RWS RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms etc...
127 129 rjshae Drow Underfell
131 150 witness CryptPit
151 158 rjshae Diagonal metatiles (SI)
159 159 rjshae Std. Tile Expansion Pack
160 240 RWS RWS Tilesets, Cathedral, Dungeon, Dark ruins
241 248 rjshae Diagonal metatiles (SM)
249 249 rjshae Std. Tile Expansion Pack
250 251 rjshae Dungeon tileset
250 253 rjshae Drow tileset
250 270 Calister68 Custom metatiles
271 300 rjshae Diagonal metatiles (IL, ES, SC)
301 450 Kamal Kamals Tile Pack
451 499 rjshae Additions (sea cave [451-460], illithid hive [461-465], ice temple [475-483], cellar tileset [484], sci-fi base [490-492])

Nwn2_Deities.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the nwn2_deities.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 108 [Obsidian] stock
109 199 Available
200 1200 nicethugbert NTB's Deity Pack

Packages.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the packages.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 202 [Obsidian] stock
203 203 kevL Artisan PrC default
204 227 4760 Horse Riding
228 254 Available
255 255 [Obsidian] PACKAGE_INVALID reserved for use by the engine
256 399 Available
400 699 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
700 999 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
1000 1099 2DruNk2FraG Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells
1100 1199 Available recalled from Talon_Argenthawke Base Classes and PrCs (unreleased)
1200 1220 Drammel Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords
1221 1230 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
1231 1250 Available recalled from Sunshine Psionics

Placeables.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the placeables.2da file.

TileId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0001 2999 [Obsidian] stock
21 26 Knightmare City Background cards
251 304 Knightmare Retextured cave entrabces
2900 2999 Tupoun Sewer placeables
3000 3999 RJShae Modern placeables Range also used by module builders for custom content.
4000 4499 Tupoun City Hack, Sewer Hak, Blackrock Castle, House
4500 4999 RWS future relocation of RWS placeables and all new placeables
5000 5999 Cerea2/Kivinen Item Placeables
6000 6838 Rogue Dao Studios Purgatorio 6001-6521 are reserved
6839 6847 Exotic reserved
6850 6900 Cyphre/Cyphre69 New Placeables
6901 6949 chuckerIINO New Placeables
6950 6999 PJ156 Modified RDS content
7000 7149 Barry The Hatchet Houses, Watchtowers, Standing Stones, Runes & Symbols
7150 7249 Rjshae Bonus Blueprints & Dwarf Hold
7300 7400 Botumys Drow Cave
7250 7499 TD_Mephisto (Les Terres Déchirées 2) Ponts, Placeables
7500 7599 Ossian NWN2 Adventure Packs - Mysteries of Westgate
7600 7999 cuiilv Medieval building pack
8000 8999 Amraphael The ZORK Placeables made public for the community
9000 10049 Nytir BCK II
10050 10499 Dex/Pain/for Nytir BCK Eberron and Oriental Expansion Renumbering
10500 10500 Dex/Pain Animated Catapult for dealing with conflicts
10501 10521 Dex/Pain City Walls Simbolic was using same 7000 range as BTH
10522 10524 Rjshae Dwarf Hold (v1.1)
10525 10543 Dex/Pain Zpirit Crystal HAK Mushrooms HAK Boulders was using same 10050 range as BCK is moving to
10550 10557 Dex/Pain Traps 1 and 2 ArPharazon was using same 2000 range as Obsidian
105?? 10899 Dex/Pain for dealing with conflicts
10900 10999 Dex/Pain Tintable Boulders and Rocks
11000 11999 Jaesun999's Placeables Tapestry Pack Rug Pack
12000 12258 Dex/Pain/for Nytir BCK I Renumbering
12259 12585 Morbane Tintable Circles and other content which had conflicts
12586 12630 Codi Sigil Sigil Exterior CODI content from NWN1
12631 12640 SGK73 Collision Helpers
12641 12699 Equintir Eliguard Islander Placeables
12700 12799 Qk Gargoyles Placeables & More
12800 12849 Gaming Parents Studios Trinity Placeables Pack
12850 12879 Arpharazon Faerun Stained Glass & Stained Glass
12880 12999 4760 Animated placeables levers, buttons, pressure floors, statues, wall torches, trapdoors, chests, coffins, etc...
13000 13500 DW Deep Water Placables
13501 13999 Rjshae City-State Pack
14000 14200 The Realms of Trinity - Z & K Studios The Realms of Trinity Community Placeable Pack
14201 14509 4760 New models bridges, farms, towers, castles
14510 14632 Shayd3000 for Chaos renumber some of Chaos Placeables 1.8 to bring into compliance with SOZ and version 1.23
14633 14660 Tchos Cave Placeables
14661 14699 Kanis Greataxe Various New and Ported Placeable's
14700 14799 Semper reserved for custom placeables
14800 14999 Kanis Greataxe Various New and Ported Placeable's
15000 15999 Tchos Witcher Placeable conversion project
16000 16199 Rjshae Plant pack
16200 16299 PJ156 Tintable stock items
16300 16499 Morbane Arcane Circles
16500 16699 PJ156 Tintable stock items
16700 16799 Crystal Violet Placeable OC doors
17000 19000 PDubulous Dragonlance Nights
18000 18099 witness CryptPit
18100 18137 reserved
18138 18144 Heed Walkable ships
18151 18157 Rjshae Heeds Walkable ships update
18160 18300 Rjshae Rock Pack
19001 19299 Mixed Authors Various item packages
19300 19350 racerblue RB_Ruins Full
19401 19581 The Abbott Wall Signs
19601 19650 Kurogo Japanese Garden Placeables
19651 19670 Rjshae Planet Placeables
19720 19800 NWN Community Stock Hidden Content
19888 19920 Trevor Morris Cliff Pack
20001 20499 Kamal Tintable items
20500 20999 Kalister68 reserved for custom placeables
21000 21509 Rjshae Sundry items pack
21510 21799 Rjshae Old World pack
22200 22300 Tropetyper Gods of Faerun Tapestries
22500 22800 PJ156 SOAR Models
22883 23564 Snakebane Foliage Pack 3
23600 23750 Kamal RWS Citadel Tiles as placeables
23800 23950 Kamal Stone Wall retextures
25376 25960 Kamal Tileset Construction Kit
25961 28500 Kamal Placeable Pack
28501 28550 Kamal
28551 29000 Kamal
29001 29500 Gribo Various placeables, Elven houses and tree path

Poison.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the poison.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 48 [Obsidian] stock
49 50 Available
51 59 Cyphre/Cyphre69 Cyphre's Animal Companion Pack
60 65 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
66 70 Available
71 80 Loki_999 NWN1 Style Familiars
81 99 1Ombra1 Ombra's Poison System
100 100 Available
101 208 Pain-BrianMeyer Dex

Polymorph.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the polymorph.2da file. Please coordinate with Brianmeyer in regards to appearance row references.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 115 [Obsidian] stock
116 160 Brianmeyer Polymorph for new Appearances
161 161 Ossian Mysteries of Westgate
162 180 Kaedrin Polymorph, Wildshape, Dragonshape, etc.
181 185 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
186 200 Available
201 201 Horned Devil

RacialSubtypes.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the racialsubtypes.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 48 [Obsidian] stock
49 65 Available 4760 Slaads
64 66 Shaughn Halfiend
67 68 Kaedrin Star Elf and Painted Elf
70 99 Chalkdust Chalkdust Race Pack
100 120 Ladydesire Custom races for class pack
122 123 Races of Faerun Minotaur & Drider
124 125 0100010 Project M
150 225 Races of Faerun were inside padding, increased all rows by 100 (Pain)
250 300 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content

Skills.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the skills.2da file.

Number Skill Name Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 DEL_AnimalEmpathy Available deleted
1 Concentration [Obsidian] stock
2 DisableDevice [Obsidian] stock (active Skill, trained, hardcoded to UI)
3 DEL_Discipline Available deleted
4 Heal [Obsidian] stock active skill, hardcoded to UI
5 Hide [Obsidian] stock active skill, hardcoded to: UI & engine rules, mode toggle
6 Listen [Obsidian] stock hardcoded to engine rules
7 Lore [Obsidian] stock hardcoded to UI, identify behavior & bardic knowledge feat
8 MoveSilently [Obsidian] stock hardcoded to engine rules
9 OpenLock [Obsidian] stock active, trained, hardcoded to UI
10 Parry [Obsidian] stock active, hardcoded to UI, mode toggle
11 Perform [Obsidian] stock trained
12 Diplomacy [Obsidian] stock
13 SleightOfHand [Obsidian] stock active, trained, hardcoded to UI, hostile
14 Search [Obsidian] stock active, hardcoded to UI, mode toggle
15 SetTrap [Obsidian] stock active, trained, hardcoded to UI
16 Spellcraft [Obsidian] stock trained, hardcoded to engine rules
17 Spot [Obsidian] stock hardcoded to engine rules
18 Taunt [Obsidian] stock active, hardcoded to UI, hostile, mode toggle
19 UseMagicDevice [Obsidian] stock trained, hardcoded to engine rules
20 Appraise [Obsidian] stock
21 Tumble [Obsidian] stock trained, hardcoded to engine rules
22 CraftTrap [Obsidian] stock
23 Bluff [Obsidian] stock
24 Intimidate [Obsidian] stock
25 CraftArmor [Obsidian] stock
26 CraftWeapon [Obsidian] stock
27 CraftAlchemy [Obsidian] stock
28 Ride 4760 Riding Custom content
29 Survival [Obsidian] stock hardcoded to track feat
30 Balance ALFA ALFA
31 Climb ALFA ALFA
32 DecipherScript ALFA ALFA possible broken row
33 Knowledge (dungeoneering) ALFA ALFA
34 Disguise ALFA ALFA possible broken row
35 EscapeArtist ALFA ALFA
36 Forgery ALFA ALFA
37 GatherInformation ALFA ALFA
38 HandleAnimal ALFA ALFA
40 Knowledge (arcana) ALFA ALFA
41 Knowledge (history) ALFA ALFA possible broken row
42 Knowledge (nature) ALFA ALFA
43 Knowledge (religion) ALFA ALFA
44 Knowledge (theplanes) ALFA ALFA
45 Perform (act) ALFA ALFA possible broken row
46 Perform (dance) ALFA ALFA
47 Perform (oratory) ALFA ALFA
48 Perform (string instruments) ALFA ALFA
49 Perform (sing) ALFA ALFA
50 Profession ALFA ALFA
51 SenseMotive ALFA ALFA
52 SpeakLanguage ALFA ALFA
54 UseRope ALFA ALFA
55 Knowledge (geography) ALFA ALFA
56 Knowledge (nobility) ALFA ALFA
57 ALFA ALFA reserved
58 Knowledge (engineering) ALFA ALFA
59 Knowledge (local) ALFA ALFA
60 Perform (percussion) ALFA ALFA
61 Perform (keyboards) ALFA ALFA
62 Perform (wind instruments) ALFA ALFA possible broken row
63 Perform (comedy) ALFA ALFA
64 Craft (Alchemy) ALFA ALFA
65 Craft (Armorsmithing) ALFA ALFA possible broken row
66 Craft (Bowmaking) ALFA ALFA
67 Craft (Weaponsmithing) ALFA ALFA
68 Available
69 Available
70 Available
71 Available
72 Available
73 Available possible broken row
74 Available
75 Available
76 Available
77 Available possible broken row
78 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
79 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
80 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
81 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
82 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
83 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
84 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
85 Alternate version of skill 0100010 ProjectM attempt to overcome hardcoding
86 Available
87 Available
88 Available
89 Available
90 Available
91 Available
92 Available
93 Available
94 Available
95 Available
96 Available possible broken row
97 Available possible broken row
98 Available possible broken row
99 Available
100 Available
101+ Not usable it is believed that no skills at numbers greater than 100 are supported

SoundSet.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the soundset.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 570 [Obsidian] stock
571 580 Eguintir Eligard Crocodile+
581 799 Available
800 811 Ossian Mysteries of Westgate
812 812 Quelzarn

Spells.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the spells.2da file

SpellId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 1215 [Obsidian] stock
1216 1220 rjshae New Mephits
1221 1221 kevL Artisan PrC Channel Muse
1222 1503 Available
1504 1504 Giant Boulder Throw
1505 1550 4760 Catapult/Munitions
1551 1685 Jestemwlodomierz Shambler
1552 1685 Available
1686 1686 0100010 HCR2 - Player Struck event
1687 1697 Ossian Mysteries of Westgate moved up for compatibility
1698 1800 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
1801 1811 Reeron & Trekari [2]Spell Fixes and Improvements
1812 2000 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
2001 2011 Solorokai Prestige Paladin, Dragon Disciple, other PrCs
2012 2100 Reeron & Trekari [3]Spell Fixes and Improvements
2101 2151 marlin1500 New Reserve Feats
2152 2199 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
2200 2299 Reeron & Trekari Spell Fixes and Improvements
2300 2600 JoshuaKalis PrCs, Spells, Domains, Feats etc
2601 2900 GLWizard Spellpack with Extra Invocations
2901 2999 Reeron & Trekari [4]Spell Fixes and Improvements
3000 3599 Kaedrin PrCs, Spells, Feats, Domains, and more PrCs
3600 3800 2DruNk2FraG Base Classes, PrCs, and Spells
3801 3999 Pain-BrianMeyer PW Specific Ranges - Use these just for your world
4000 4500 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
4501 4550 krantork Half-dragon race and Paragon Classes
4551 4650 lofgren HiPS Replacement, the Conversationalist, Druid Domains
4651 4750 BouncyRock Entertainment BouncyRock Modules
4751 5000 Available recalled from Talon_Argenthawke unreleased classes
5001 5500 Chatterbox1 Feats and Racial Templates
5501 6500 Pain-BrianMeyer New Spells
6501 6700 Drammel Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords
6701 6799 Lore of Old Lore's Classes more will be revealed
7000 7999 Ladydesire PrCs, Spells, Feats, etc.
8000 8300 Saralach Saralach's Invocation Pack
8301 8599 Available recalled from Sunshine's Psionics
8600 8600 Knsgf Modified armor and weapon behavior
8601 8999 Pain CSL Language System
9001 9099 1Ombra1 Ombra's AT PW Implementation (PrC & System)
9100 9299 Axe PrCs, Feats, Spells...
9300 9349 Shaughn Boulder Toss, Taunt Feat, Necro Spells, Half-Fiend Spell Like-Abilities
9350 9355 ArtemisAbsinthe Teleportation UO style

TailModel.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the tailmodel.2da file.

TileId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 14 [Obsidian] stock
15 15 4760 Alternate blue dragon tail
16 18 4760 Octopus "tails"
19 19 4760 not used yet
20 29 4760 Various dragon tails (chromatic, metallic, lich)
30 30 4760 not used yet
31 32 Cyric_the_Dark Feline Tails
33 33 Rashi Red Dragon Rashi Tail

TerrainMaterials.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the terrainmaterials.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 163 [Obsidian] stock
300 400 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content
401 999 Kamal Kamal's Terrain Texture Pack
1000 1500 Ugly_Duck Terrain Texture Packs

TexturesTileFloor.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the texturestilefloor.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 29 [Obsidian] stock
30 30 Kamal Standard Mine (didnt have an entry in Obsidian 2das)
80 99 rjshae Giant Castle (80), Sci-Fi Base (87), Modern Office (90-91), Classic Dungeon (92), Cellar (93), Lava Tube (94), Illithid Hive (95), Sea Cave (96), Adobe (97), Drow Underfell (98), Barrow (99), Ice Temple (100-103)*
100 200 Jaesun999 Jaesun999 Floor Packs
301 750 Kamal Kamal's Tileset Project

TexturesTileWall.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the texturestilewall.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 28 [Obsidian] stock
30 30 Kamal Standard Mine (didnt have an entry in Obsidian 2das)
80 99 rjshae Giant Castle (80), Sci-Fi Base (87), Modern Office (89-91), Classic Dungeon (92), Cellar (93), Lava Tube (94), Illithid Hive (95), Sea Cave (96), Adobe (97), Drow Underfell (98), Barrow (99), Ice Temple (100-103)*
100 300 Jaesun999 Jaesun999 Wall Texture packs
301 750 Kamal Kamal's Tileset Project
751 900 Kalister68 Kalister68 Tilesets

TexturesTileCeiling.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the texturestileceiling.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 23 [Obsidian] stock
30 30 Kamal Standard Mine (didnt have an entry in Obsidian 2das)
80 99 rjshae Giant Castle (80), Sci-Fi Base (87), Modern Office (89-91), Classic Dungeon (92), Cellar (93), Lava Tube (94), Illithid Hive (95), Sea Cave (96), Adobe (97), Drow Underfell (98), Barrow (99), Ice Temple (100-103)*
100 200 Jaesun999 Jaesun999 SI Re-Skin Pack 01
301 750 Kamal Kamal's Tileset Project


Use this to mention which range you use in the tilecolor.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
0 7 [Obsidian] stock
20 20 rjshae Drow Underfell
21 21 rjshae Sea Cave

Tiles.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the tiles.2da file.

TileId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
840 1450 RWS RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc...
1451 1500 rjshae Barrow (1451-1496)
1501 1550 witness CryptPit
1551 1598 rjshae Drow Underfell (1551-1597)
1599 1900 RWS RWS Tilesets, Cathedral, Dungeon, Dark Ruins etc...
1901 1998 Module Owners Individual Module and PW content
1999 1999 violet Invisible Tile
2000 2099 Cerea2/Kivinen Round Rooms
2100 2299 rjshae Adobe (2100-2145), Lava Tube (2150-2195), Sea Cave (2200-2252), Illithid Hive (2253-2297)
2300 2600 RWS RWS Tilesets
2601 4750 Kamal Kamals Tileset Project
4751 4800 Kamal Tileset Construction Kit
4801 5300 Calister68 Calisters tiles
5301 5850 rjshae Ice Temple (5301-5345), Cellar (5347-5393), Classic Dungeon (5397-5442), Modern Office (5445-5490), Sci-Fi Base Interior* (5000-5045), Giant Castle (5550-5545)

TileSets.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the tilesets.2da file.

TileId Start Number End Number Community Name or Group Project Name Notes
18 24 RWS RWS Tilesets, Deep Halls, Sewers, Chasms, Dungeons etc...
25 25 witness CryptPit
26 31 rjshae Sci-Fi Base Interior (26), Giant Castle (27), Modern Office (29), Cellar (30), Classic Dungeon (31)
32 34 Available
35 40 RWS Pocket_Cathedrals_RWS, Dungeons_RWS, Pocket_Ship_Interiors_RWS, The_Keep_Project

Dark_Ruins_RWS, CODI-Sigil

41 44 rjshae Adobe (41), Ice Temple (42), Drow Underfell (43), Barrow (44)
45 46 RWS Grand Causeway, Dark Mines
47 54 available
55 55 RWS Citadel
56 70 reserved for module owners
71 115 kamal tileset compilation project
116 120 Calister/Kalister dungeon, catacombs, crypt, sewer, interior

WingModel.2da Reservations[]

Use this to mention which range you use in the wingmodel.2da file.

Start Number End Number Community name or group Project name Notes
0 27 [Obsidian] stock
28 29 4760 Hook Horror/Vrock
30 30 Ossian padding for MoW
31 31 Elysius Hydra/Giant Snake Tongue
32 45 4760 Dragon wings, Harpy, Aarokra

Horse riding cloaks, NPC cloaks and wings

46 46 Rashi Balor_Rashi_Wings
55 55 Jestemwlodomierz Reaper