Is reduceanimal
Reduce Animal
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: n/a, Druid: 2, Ranger: 3
School : Transmutation
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Short
Target/Area : 1 animal or beast (allied)
Duration : 1 min / level
Save : none
Spell resistance : no


This spell decreases the size of a target animal by 50%. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, a -2 size penalty to Strength (to a minimum of 1), and a +1 bonus to attack rolls and AC due to decreased size. All attacks deal -3 damage. The effects of Reduce Animal does not stack with any other size-reducing effects.


  • As Reduce Person, but only works on animals.
  • Unlike spells like Magic Fang, this one only affect creatures of "animal" or "beast" type. Magical beasts, vermin and dragons won't be reduced; depending on caster's choice of animal companion, this may be an unpleasant surprise.
  • Just like with humanoid version, it will not actually apply damage penalty.