Is protectfromarrows
Protection from Arrows
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 2, Sorcerer/Wizard: 2
School : Abjuration
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Touch
Target/Area : Single
Duration : 1 Hour * cLevel
20 Rounds (cLevel)
Save : None
Spell resistance : No


Protection from Arrows provides its target with damage reduction of 10/magic against range weapons. The spell can absorb 10 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 100 points of damage, and ceases after absorbing that much damage.

If you cast this on a target who already has the spell effects, the previous casting is immediately removed.

Gameplay Notes

This spell actually provides total damage reduction of 10/ against any ranged attacks. The variable used is "DR_TYPE_NON_RANGED" - meaning spells are unaffected, as are melee weapons, which act as if it isn't there.

For a mage, getting into melee is the last thing they should be doing. This provides protection against the other forms of attack - ranged weapons, which can bypass any fighter protection you have. A useful spell and for a level 2 spell, provides a good scaled effect up to level 10.

For party use, this provides useful low level protection (compared to its cousin Stoneskin, which is 2 levels higher) for a variety of uses. Apart from basic ranged weapon protection, it is most useful for low-armoured people who could be subject to heavy amount of ranged fire - Rogues, Bards Druids and Barbarians may be primary targets for it. If there is enough castings for the entire party, the long duration of 1 hour/level provides a long duration damage absorption spell.

It is less useful against sneak attack using ranged weapon people, and if the person receiving the protection has really low armor class anyway, the 30-100 points of damage soon wears off, like Stoneskin, thus notes must be made that it is a compliment spell to some like Mage Armor, and not all powerful.

NWN1 Notes

This spell did not exist in NWN1.
