Prayer | |
Spell Information | |
Spell level : | Innate level: 3, Cleric: 3, Paladin: 3 |
School : | Conjuration |
Components : | Verbal and Somatic |
Range : | Personal |
Target/Area : | Caster, Colossal |
Duration : | 6 sec. * cLevel 1 Round (cLevel) |
Save : | None |
Spell resistance : | Yes |
All allies within the area of effect gain +1 to attack and damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. Enemies receive -1 penalties to the same.
- There is only spell resistance for the negative parts of this spell. The area covered is quite large, and for a level 3 spell provides even Paladins with some way of affecting the stats of many targets - since it has no save (unlike Bane) and affects a wide area.
- (1.03) A few slight mechanical faults, no gameplay bugs. The AOE visual effect is applied at GetSpellTargetLocation(), while the location is centered on GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF). It also gets the location multiple times every time the GetNextObjectInShape function is called on line 103 (which just isn't very efficient).
- The visual effect generally is only a concern when NPC's cast the spell and can get around the TargetType column of the spells.2da file, although the script could be fired from a different location or ability which doesn't have the cast-at-caster-location requirement.