Is poison
Poison (spell)
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 3, Cleric: 4, Druid: 3, Other: Plant domain 3, Water domain 3
School : Necromancy
Descriptor(s) : Poison
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Touch
Target/Area : Single
Duration : Instantaneous
Save : Fortitude Negates
Spell resistance : Yes


If you succeed at a melee touch attack, the target must make a Fortitude save or suffer the effects of Large Scorpion Venom (1d6 Strength damage on primary and secondary hits).


  • This spell is rarely used as it does not scale at all. The venom always has the same set DC 14, making it drop in value rapidly as saving throws rise.
  • Despite having variable numeric affect, this spell cannot be empowered or maximized.
  • Contrary to description, this spell does not require a melee touch attack.

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