"Cloaked in fire and as tall as two humans, this hulking monster spreads its batlike wings and cracks its whiplike tail. Great scales cover its body like armor. It smiles, revealing large fangs that drip with a hissing venom."
Pit Fiends are the lord of devils, with great strength and deadly power. They are among the highest ranking, second only to the archdevils.
- Outsider 18
- Always lawful evil
- Abilities: STR 37, DEX 27, CON 27, INT 26, WIS 26, CHA 26
- Hitpoints: 225
- Saves: Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, Will 21
- AC: 40
- AB: +30/+28/+26/+24
- Damage:
- 2d8+13 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2 (claw)
- 2d8+13 slashing/piercing, critical 20/x2 (claw)
- 4d6+13 slashing, critical 20/x2, on hit poison: Pit Fiend Ichor - fortitude vs DC=27, initial damage: 1d6 constitution, secondary: instant death (bite)
- Skills: Concentration 19, Listen 21, Move Silently 17, Search 21, Spellcraft 21, Spot 21
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Iron Will, Darkvision, Multiattack
- Damage reduction 15/good and alchemical silver
- Immunity to fire and poison
- Resistance to acid 10/- and cold 10/-
- Regeneration 5
- Spell resistance 32
- Can use Aura of Fear at caster level 0 once per day - duration 18 rounds, DC = 28.
- Can cast SLAs Create Undead, Greater Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Magic Circle against Good, Mass Hold Monster, Meteor Swarm, Power Word Stun, and Word of Faith at caster level 18 once per day
- CR 20