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Forgotten Realms Wiki has an article about: Orcs

Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that goes back many generations.

There are multiple default variants of orcs:



For some reason generic orc has Weapon Proficiency (creature) despite having no natural weapon(s).

Orc Cleric[]

Orc Chieftain[]

  • Barbarian 5
  • Chaotic evil
  • Abilities: STR 17, DEX 11, CON 12, INT 8, WIS 9, CHA 6
  • Hit Points: 5 out of 9
  • Saves: Fortitide 5, Reflex 1, Will -1
  • AC: 14
  • AB: +9
  • Damage: 1d12+4 slashing, critical 20/x3 (greataxe)
  • Skills: Listen 4, Parry 4, Spot 4, Taunt 8
  • Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (simple), Darkvision, Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Rage (2/day), Trap Sense, Extend Rage, Improved Uncanny Dodge
  • CR 5


  • Chieftain has strangely low HP and spawns wounded to boot.

NWN comparison[]

  • NWN included the following orc models:
    • Orc
    • Orc chieftain
    • Orc enforcer
    • Orc fire archer
    • Orc shaman

