
The Olympian Glades of Arborea is the chaotic good outer plane of existence, stylized as a peaceful plane of natural beauty with a multitude of thriving environments. Much of the plane is dominated by vast tall forests, but also includes glades of wildflowers and fields of grain. As a plane that also embodies chaos, it has a wild and often sudden nature. The weather can change drastically at short notice, changing from warm sunshine to raging winds and back again in just a few minutes.

The eladrins (powerful elf-like celestials) are the protectors of Arborea. Lillends are also common inhabitants of the plane. As an outer plane, Arborea is spatially infinite, further consisting of three infinite layers (or sub-planes). Arborea’s first layer shares borders with the neighboring planes of the Heroic Domains of Ysgard and the Wilderness of the Beastlands; travel is possible between Arborea and these planes at certain locations.


In addition to the layers below, the drifting Seelie Court often shows up randomly somewhere in Arborea.


It is the home plane of the Seldarine, the good Elven deities, headed by Corellon Larethian. This layer is mostly endless canopies of forest with huge clearings containing many idealized elven settlements. Arvandor has a day and night cycle matching that of the material plane. The goddess Eilistraee also resides in the forests of Arvandor, despite her banishment.

This layer also features Olympus pantheon from Greek mythology, as well as Brightwater (home of Lliira, Sharess, Sune, and Tymora).


This second layer is an eternal ocean. It is similar to the Elemental Plane of Water, except there's actually an ocean floor and surface. The god Deep Sashelas (of aquatic elves) lives here. Much like the first layer, Aquallor is subject to sudden changes in the weather, in this case, great underwater currents that drag the traveler miles off course. Sea life fills this layer, most of it either celestial or anarchic in nature. Larger beasts and aberrations can be found by explorers who swim deep enough.


Mithardir means “white dust” in the elven language, and indeed this layer is a desert of fine, white, chalky grit that extends forever. This layer was once a great forest as well as home to creatures that campfire stories alternately describe as giants or titanlike deities. Why they no longer live on the layer is unknown, but Mithardir is now an empty layer. As with the rest of Arborea, the weather in Mithardir is sudden and dramatic. Lightning storms regularly lash across the desert, driving huge duststorms ahead of them.

See Also[]
