
.2da file. The 2D Array that contains all the deities configured for the gameworld

Here is a description of the various columns:

Column Example Explanation Note
*void* 86 Row's ID (unique) -
FirstName Corellon The first name of the deity -
LastName Larethian The last name of the deity Enter **** if deity has only a single name
Removed 0 Indicates if the deity has been removed from the game world 1=yes, 0=no
DescID 184705 Index in the dialog.tlk file that describes the deity -
IconID 184706 Index in the nwn2_icons.2da for the icon used by this deity -
AllRaces 1 Indicates if the deity is available for all races 1=yes, 0=no (You can state 9 allowable races in SubraceID1-SubraceID9)
SubraceID1 15 Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the first race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID2 9 Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the second race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID3 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the third race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID4 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the forth race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID5 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the fifth race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID6 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the sixth race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID7 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the seventh race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID8 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the eighth race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
SubraceID9 **** Index in the racialsubtypes.2da for the ninth race/sub-race that can worship this deity -
LG 0 Indicates if Lawful good characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
NG 1 Indicates if Neutral good characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
CG 0 Indicates if Chaotic good characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
LN 0 Indicates if Lawful neutral characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
TN 1 Indicates if True neutral characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
CN 0 Indicates if Chaotic neutral characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
LE 1 Indicates if Lawful evil characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
NE 0 Indicates if Neutral evil characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
CE 1 Indicates if Chaotic evil characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
Male 1 Indicates if male characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
Female 0 Indicates if female characters can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no, 2=can be cleric/druid/doomguide/ranger
Paladin 0 Indicates if paladins can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no
Cleric 1 Indicates if clerics can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no
Druid 0 Indicates if druids can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no
Ranger 1 Indicates if rangers can worship this deity 1=yes, 0=no
DomainID1 7 Index in the domains.2da for the first domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID2 4 Index in the domains.2da for the second domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID3 12 Index in the domains.2da for the third domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID4 **** Index in the domains.2da for the forth domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID5 **** Index in the domains.2da for the fifth domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID6 **** Index in the domains.2da for the sixth domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID7 **** Index in the domains.2da for the seventh domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID8 **** Index in the domains.2da for the eighth domain the character can select with this deity -
DomainID9 **** Index in the domains.2da for the ninth domain the character can select with this deity -

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  • Recognized when loaded with hak pack in Patch 1.12