
Clerics who take the Death domain can summon an enhanced shadow once per day. The shadow gains power as the cleric advances in levels.

Shadow progression[]

Avatars Level of Cleric
1st–7th 8th–11th 11th–14th 15th–20th
Creature Shadow (Undead) Shadow Mastiff (Outsider) Shadow (Undead) Shadow (Undead)
Level 3 4 7 9
Armor Class 13 13 13 14
Hit Points 19 30 84 108
Special Dodge, Alertness, Darkvision, Weapon Proficiency (creature) Dodge, Improved initiative, Darkvision, Weapon Proficiency (creature) (As Shadow) (As Shadow)
Attack Bonus +1 +6 +3 +4
Damage 2d6 slashing/piercing (claw) 1d6+3 slashing (bite) 2d6 slashing/piercing (claw) 2d6 slashing/piercing (claw)
Critical (20/x2) (20/x2) (20/x2) (20/x2)
Strength 10 17 10 10
Dexterity 14 13 15 16
Constitution 10 17 10 10
Intelligence 6 4 6 6
Wisdom 12 12 12 12
Charisma 13 13 13 13
BAB +1 +4 +3 +4
Fortitude +1 +7 +2 +3
Reflex +3 +5 +4 +6
Will +4 +5 +6 +7

Additional notes[]

  • All version of Shadow (but not the mastiff) drain 1 point of strength on hit, fortitude against negative energy vs DC 11 negates. They are also incorporeal.
  • Shadow mastiff can once per day cast Greater Invisibility at caster level 10 and Howl of Fear (duration 2 rounds, DC 11) at caster level 4.
  • This ability can be used once per rest, the avatar is unsummoned when resting (or when killed).
  • The game treats the shadow like a summoned creature, so if you cast a summoning spell while the shadow is active it disssapears and cannot be resummoned till you have rested.
  • The Augment summoning feat works with the shadow.
  • Whilst useful as a low level companion, the summoned Shadow will not last long in any fight at higher levels.
  • Duration is 24 hours. Innate level is 1.