"This creature looks like a withered and dessicated corpse, with features hidden beneath centuries-old funereal wrappings. It moves with a slow, shambling gait and groans with the weight of the ages."
Ritually preserved and animated corpses that maintain their timeless vigil over tombs and temple complexes, Mummies are an effective deterrent to would-be grave-robbers.
- Undead 8
- Usually lawful evil
- Abilities: STR 24, DEX 10, CON 10, INT 6, WIS 14, CHA 15
- Hitpoints: 63
- Saves: Fortitude 4, Reflex 2, Will 8
- AC: 20
- AB: +11
- Damage: 1d6+7 bludgeoning, critical 20/x2, on hit: disease Mummy Rot - fortitude vs DC=16, 1d6 Constitution damage (slam)
- Skills: Hide 7, Listen 4, Move Silently 7, Spot 4
- Feats: Weapon Proficiency (creature), Great Fortitude, Toughness, Alertness, Darkvision
- Damage reduction 5/-
- Vulnerable to fire (50% damage weakness)
- Immunity to disease, critical hits, death magic, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attack
- Aura of Fear 1/day at caster level 0: duration 8 rounds, DC=18
- Slow movement (62,5% of normal)
- Can't run
- CR 5
- Can be summoned with Summon Undead used by level 7-8 Pale Master (bug, should work like Create Undead)
- Before patch 1.22 it was also summoned by Create Undead spell at caster levels 14-15
Summoned Mummy[]
A stronger version can be summoned by Create Undead spell. This version has following differences:
- Undead 11
- Hitpoints: 143
- Saves: Fortitude 5, Reflex 3, Will 9
- AC: 26
- AB: +12
- Aura of Fear: duration 11 rounds, DC=21
- CR 11