Morningstar (Spiked Mace)
Type: Mace Weight: 6 pound(s)
Dmg Type: Bludgeoning and Piercing Size: Medium
Critical: 20/x2 Damage: 1d8
Feats: Simple or Rogue
Found: ???


A variant of the mace and derivative of the basic club, consisting of a metal head mounted on the end of a wooden shaft. The weight of the head greatly increases the force of impact. This heavier mace consists of a spiked head, usually with a long spike extending straight from the top and many smaller spikes around the head.

The morningstar (spiked mace) mold requires 2 metal ingots. For the properties of exotic metals, see the Materials page.

Favored weapon[]

The following deities favor the morningstar:


  • The name and description in game has been incorrectly applied to this weapon.
  • While NWN morningstars were restricted from being used in the off-hand, This is not a chain weapon and the restriction now applies to the flail (morningstar) in game.
  • Due to medieval historian idiocracy, identifying flails, maces, whips and morningstars has become confused. Unfortunately much of the internet is failing to make sense of the changes. If it looks like a club with spikes or flanges, then it's a mace. A morningstar has a spiked ball "the star" tethered by chain. This confusion caused cascade changes in game where the spiked mace is called a morningstar and the morningstar is called a flail.