Moire (female neutral evil half-elf rogue/fighter) is an NPC in NWN2's official campaign.
"Lean and graceful, this woman has the features of one of the natives of the Moonshaes off the Sword Coast. She wears a small smile, as though secretly amused by some private joke."
Official campaign[]
Moire is a notorious gang leader in Neverwinter's Docks district, part of the Shadow Thieves under Axle Devrie. Unlike Axle, Moire is vicious and ruthless, and seeks to hold the streets of Neverwinter in her grip. Moire's tactics made her feared by by both the city watch and segments of the underworld, as she began pushing the streets to the brink of violent conflict with the watch. The PC has to deal with her in Act I as part of the goal of getting into Blacklake.
If the player chooses to join the City Watch under Marshall Cormick, he/she disrupts much of her activities. As the PC finishes a sweep of the docks, Moire has thew city watch building burned, killing Lieutenant Roe. The player is then promoted to Lieutenant by Captain Brelaina. After disrupting a weapons shipment and killing a corrupt warehouse manager, Brelaina sends the PC to escort Fihelis to the city watch building. At Fihelis' Estate, the PC comes face to face with Moire, who resists arrest and is slain.
If the player chooses to join the Shadow Thieves, the player works with Moire, at least at first. The player initially meets with one of her thugs, Caleb, who requests that you punish a local businessman for not paying "protection." Caleb eventually has to flee during an encounter with the City Watch, and directs the player to Moire. Under the gang leader, the PC collects bribes from the watchmen, as well as fend off other thugs, and is eventually tasked by Moire to burn down the watch building. After the arson, Moire directs the player to Axle, who wants to meet him/her. Axle is highly distrusting of Moire's extreme habits, favoring diplomacy over terror. Moire is kept with Axle under a tighter leash, while the player works directly for Axle.
In Act III, if the player was part of the Shadow Thieves, Moire broke away from Axle and sought to take control of the Shadow Thieves, taking advantage of the chaos during the evacuation. The player can resolve this situation, either by killing her, killing Axle for her, or killing them both.