

Mild Giant Centipede Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 18, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 4 ranks

  • Giant Centipede VenomGland

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Average Giant Centipede Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 20, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 8 ranks

  • 2 Giant Centipede VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Strong Giant Centipede Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 22, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 12 ranks

  • 3 Giant Centipede VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Deadly Giant Centipede Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 26, 1d2 points of Intelligence damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 16 ranks

  • 4 Giant Centipede VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Mild Giant Bee Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 18, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 4 ranks

  • Giant Bee VenomGland

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Average Giant Bee Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 20, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 8 ranks

  • 2 Giant Bee VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Strong Giant Bee Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 22, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 12 ranks

  • 3 Giant Bee VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Deadly Giant Bee Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 26, 1d2 points of Constitution damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 16 ranks

  • 4 Giant Bee VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Mild Giant Scorpion Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 18, 1d2 points of Strength damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 4 ranks

  • Giant Scorpion VenomGland

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Average Giant Scorpion Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 20, 1d2 points of Strength damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 8 ranks

  • 2 Giant Scorpion VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Strong Giant Scorpion Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 22, 1d2 points of Strength damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 12 ranks

  • 3 Giant Scorpion VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Deadly Giant Scorpion Venom: Coats a weapon with poison (DC 26, 1d2 points of Strength damage)[]

Requires: Craft Alchemy 16 ranks

  • 4 Giant Scorpion VenomGlands

Use the mortar & pestle item on an alchemy workbench containing the above

Note the poisons seem to have a very high Dexterity requirement to coat a weapon.

Miscellaneous Magic Items[]

Brooch of Shielding - Casts Shield several times per day[]

Requires Caster level 1, Craft wondrous item feat

  • 2 iron ingots
  • Faint power essense
  • Sapphire

Cast Mage Armour at a Magicians' workbench containing the above.

Scabbard of Keen Edges: Casts Keen edge three times per day[]

Requires: Caster level 5, Craft Wondrous Item feat

  • Wooden plank
  • Faint Earth Essence
  • Jacinth

Cast keen edge on a magic workbench containing the above.

Gem of Seeing: Casts True seeing once per day[]

Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Wondrous Item feat

Cast true seeing on a magic workbench containing the above.

