Is greatmagicfang
Magic Fang, Greater
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 3, Druid: 3, Ranger: 3
School : Transmutation
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Touch
Target/Area : any allied animal
Duration : 60 seconds / level
Save : None


This spell strengthens a target animal, giving its attacks a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage for every three caster levels you have (maximum of +5).

Gameplay Notes[]

  • In the original, unpatched OC this spell worked differently and could only be used to target an animal companion.
  • "Animal" in the description is rather vague. This spell works on creatures of following types: Animal, Beast, Magical beast, Dragon, Vermin.
  • Your caster level is considered to be one higher that it actually is for the purpose of calculating the bonus. So a level 5 druid will give bonus of (5+1)/3 = 2. Maximum bonus of +5 thus requires caster level 14.