
In accordance with Fandom's policy, listed below are the additional terms of use for the NWN2 Fandom Wiki. Terms of Use (last revised 24 March, 2021) may be adjusted over time based on feedback and/or Fandom changes to their policy.


The goals of the NWN2 wiki are:

  • Make playing Neverwinter Nights 2 more fun
  • Provide additional and more detailed information about the game. Especially play and game mechanics, such as:
    • Undocumented features
    • Differences between the written game manual and in game description
    • Differences between written descriptions and actual game play
  • Provide a free and safe atmosphere for discussion related to the game and proposed revisions to NWN2 wiki content
  • Provide links to external resources (e.g. mods) that may:
    • Provide additional content
    • Enhance game play
    • Enhance in-game visuals/appearance
    • Otherwise positively build on the NWN2 gaming platform

In accordance with the above goals, please keep in mind the following rules, most of which were closely adopted from Fandom's page on this subject:


  1. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks. Be willing to learn and grow - and help others do the same - in a kind fashion. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person or making accusations or negative insinuations about their intelligence, game play, game tactics or player character building skills. Do not use vulgar or bigoted language, including slurs which degrade another person or group of people based on gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.
  2. Know your audience: When making use of this Wiki (particularly talk pages or reviewing edits), keep in mind everyone is different and everyone makes mistakes. With science fiction and fantasy in particular, people can and do have differences of opinion. Users may speak different languages, be in different time zones and/or have varying levels of experience with Fandom editing, game knowledge, in-game testing and written communication.
  3. Be a productive member of the wiki: Contribute to the wiki in line with the established processes and conventions. Need help? Ask an administrator! Disrupting the wiki with “edit warring” over differing opinions of a topic with another user or group of users is not productive.
  4. Do not engage in excessive self-promotion: The wiki is a collaborative community resource for the topic at hand. It is NOT a free place to advertise your related website, YouTube channel, blog, social media account, etc. Have a question about whether your link would be welcome? Ask an administrator!
  5. Do not harass other users: If somebody asks you to stop posting certain content on their wall, respect their wishes. It is their wall.
  6. Do follow community guidelines for formatting: The NWN2 Wiki has established formatting guidelines. Please make a good faith effort to adhere to it, especially when spoiler content is involved.

With respect to the first and second rules, users are asked to T.H.I.N.K. when posting:

  • Is it True?
  • Is it Helpful?
  • Is it Interesting?
  • Is it Necessary?
  • Is it Kind?

Failure to adhere to the above rules may get you blocked or banned.

Questions, concerns, comments or suggestions? Please make use of the talk page, or contact the Admin or local Wiki representative.
