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Ig hu jergal


Alias(es): The Forgotten One, Lord of the End of Everything, Scribe of the Dead, The Pitiless One
Power: Demigod
Pantheon: Faerûnian pantheon
Symbol: Skull with a scroll in his maw resting atop a feather
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Cleric alignment: LE, LG, LN
Portfolio: Fatalism, Death, proper burial, tomb guardians
Worshippers: Monks, necromancers, paladins
Canon NWN2 domains: Law  
Other canon domains: Fate, Repose, Rune, Suffering
Favoured weapon (NWN2): Scythe - "A white glove"
Allies: Kelemvor
Enemies: Cyric, Velsharoon


Jergal (pronounced JER-gull), is the seneschal of the Lord of the Dead who keeps records on the final disposition of all the spirits of the dead. Jergal is unfeeling and excessively formal, he never angers and always speaks in a disembodied, chilling voice. He cares little for anything besides an orderly accounting of the fate of the world as it slowly sinks into death, and he now serves Kelemvor as he previously served Cyric and Myrkul before him.

In ethos, Jergal is colder and more inhumane than his current master, sanctioning the use and creation of undead by his followers, provided they serve the cause of advancing death in the world. He is not evil or malicious, but impassively records the death of all things.

Jergal is an ancient deity, older than many of the greater gods of Faerûn. In the time of Netheril, he was a greater deity himself, with the portfolios of the Dead, Murder and Strife. With the long aeons, he became bored with his position of power, and allowed for three mortals, known as the Dead Three, to each take up parts of his divinity. Bane assumed the portfolio of Strife, Myrkul the rulership of the Dead and Bhaal the portfolio of Murder. Jergal himself faded from his great stature, and became a seneschal to Myrkul, a position he has kept even after his master perished and first Cyric, then Kelemvor assumed his place.

Although Jergal's nature is that he must be loyal to the office of the lord of the dead and whatever deity might hold it at the present time, Jergal can subtly undermine the holder of that office if he or she is not true to the office's responsibilities. Jergal works well with Kelemvor, but retains his scorn for Cyric and spends much of his efforts combating Velsharoon's efforts to prolong life into undeath. His impassive nature means he does not intervene on the Material Plane or in the affairs of deities that do not directly contradict his ethos.
