Is jaggedtooth
Jagged Tooth
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 3, Druid: 3, Ranger: 2
School : Transmutation
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Close
Target/Area : One natural slashing or piercing weapon of target creature
Duration : 10 minutes / level
Save : Harmless


This spell doubles the critical threat range of one natural weapon that deals either slashing or piercing damage. Multiple effects that increase a weapon's threat range do not stack. This spell is typically cast on animal companions.

Gameplay notes[]

  • This spell is bugged and does absolutely nothing.
  • It is intended to affect all slashing/piercing natural weapons target has, not just one.
  • If fixed, it would only affect animals, beasts, magical beasts, dragons and vermins, as opposed to any creatures with fitting natural weapon.