Ilrah's Rib is one of few magical items to be found in the game which passively grants one or more benefits to the user merely by keeping it in their possession.
The passive benefits granted by items in this way will not be realized if kept in a container, such as a bag of holding; they must rest in the user's general inventory.
Ilrah's Rib can be obtained from Ilrah at the Orc camp in Arvahn midway through ACT II, just by being polite to him and the clan's chief, Uthanck Thin-Blood, upon first arrival there. It grants the feats Blind Fight and Toughness as long as it remains in a character's inventory.
Items that can be equipped by the PC may be able to be taken other campaigns. Ilrah's Rib, like most others listed below, cannot - so its use is limited to the Original Campaign.
Other items which passively grant benefits include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Infernal Token of Mephasm - boosts a statistic of the PC's choice (selected at its creation), if the player successfully bargains with Mephasm at Crossroad Keep and meets other certain requirements
- Charm of Joy - given by Joy at Crossroad Keep to players that earn the Warden of the Keep epithet. This item boosts the holder's Charisma by 3 and provides a +3 AC (dodge based) bonus vs. Evil opponents. Requires the user to be good aligned or have a modified skill rank of 11 or higher in Use Magic Device.
- Caelryna's Gift - given by Caelryna to players that earn the Dreadlord of the Keep epithet, this item grants a +2 bonus to AC (dodge-based) vs. good or lawful aligned opponents and a +2 bonus to Intelligence. The separate dodge bonuses to AC granted by this item will not stack with each other, but will with most other dodge-based bonuses. Usage requires an evil alignment or a modified skill rank of 11 or higher in use magic device.
- The Wenderkazoo - discovered on the corpse of the Relentless Poet in ACT III. While equipped, this item grants additional benefits to bards, but it will still boost the holder's Charisma by 3 just by having it in their possession. Requires the user to be a Gnome and Bard or have a modified skill rank of 11 or higher in use magic device.