
"This creature is as big as an ogre, with a vaguely humanoid shape. Hideous scales sheathe its body. Huge wings and a snaking, prehensile tail add to its intimidating appearance."

The horned devil, also called "cornugon," is a devil possessing two large horns on its forehead.

Can be summoned by Gate.



Hellfire Warlock can use Summon Baatezu to summon a special Cornugon named Nrungnorog. He has following differences from a normal Horned Devil:

Bug Notes[]

  • Nrungnorog has no Weapon Proficiency feats, even through all Outsiders should have Weapon Proficiency (simple/martial) and all creatures with natural weapon - Weapon Proficiency (creature). Worse, lack of the latter forces the devil to use default unarmed attack that deals much lower damage (1d3+STRmod) and provokes attacks of opportunity.
  • Nrungnorog also lacks Darkvision.