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Hezebel is an erinyes bound to the service of Ammon Jerro.

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Hezebel, erinyes mistress.

Official campaign[]

Hezebel is one of the six fiends Jerro has bound to circles in his Haven. A powerful erinyes, she possesses a highly seductive and manipulative personality. She feuds with the misogynistic balor Baalbisan, and is interested in finding out his mother's true name, "for power." Her erinyes will request the PC meet their mistress for an audience. She offers the player assistance with the portal to Jerro's laboratory if he/she obtains the true name ("Bethshiva"), suggesting the player try to taunt him into blurting it out in anger. If the PC fails this, the alternative is to perform Blooden's task, in which she reveals the true name of Zaxis, who turns out to to be Baalbisan's mother.

Hezebel is very manipulative and, under certain dialogue paths, will toy with Elanee, Casavir, and/or Bishop and their own feelings, hinting at things that they haven't yet divulged.


  • Hezebel was voiced by Charity James.


Hezebel can be summoned using Summon Baatezu ability. She has following stats:

For some reason Hezebel lacks martial/exotic Weapon Proficiency that her kind normally have, not to mention all Ousiders are supposed to have the former. She has no weapon and thus can only use basic unarmed attack which will provoke attack of opportunity die to her lack of IUS. In this context her Power Attack and Cleave feats look utterly pointless. She has equipped Fire Arrows but has no bow or proficiency to use them. In addition, she spawns with only 75% of her maximum hit points. Finally, her Darkvision is given as item property and thus doesn't work.

All in all, she may be cunning and manipulative but combat is really not her strong side.
